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What to present to the child for New Year

Подарок ребенку до 1 года
Gift to the child till 1 year
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At this age the child does not realize holidays yet, but the bright atmosphere and general fun will surely lighten it the mood. And it is always pleasant to parents to give gifts to the new family member especially as at this age it is possible not to care for New Year's symbolics, and to interest the kid in everything, anything!
Развивающий коврик
The developing rug
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If the kid has no developing rug yet – it is just a high time to give it a gift. It can be bought in shop or to make independently. The child is more senior than half a year will interest Russian dolls and tumbler toys. It is also possible to present it a set of large cubes, only you watch that on a box it was specified: "Of 6 months".
Подвесные качели и прыгунки
Suspended swing and prygunka
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Suspended swing and prygunka will be useful not only for a training of a vestibular mechanism, but also just for pleasure. And that it was not boring for kid to shake, it is possible to present also a set of musical disks with classical music or from the Music with Mother series.
Подарок ребенку 1-3 лет
Gift to the child of 1-3 years
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At this age children already understand what is gifts, and rejoice them. Therefore they by all means will derive pleasure from various New Year's attributes with morning performances and congratulations from Father Frost.
Дед Мороз и Снегурочка на дом
Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on the house
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If the child is already rather adapted to people, it is possible to invite to Father Frost's house and the Snow Maiden. The kid with pleasure will look at a house New Year's performance. Or it is possible to compose independently the New Year's fairy tale and to show it to the kid, using dolls gloves and a screen from improvised materials.
Тематический конструктор
Thematic designer
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At the choice of such gift it is necessary to pay attention not only to age of the kid, but also to a set of figures. All children give preference to different figures. It is also possible to present to the child the "magic sack" filled with multi-colored wooden figures of various forms and invoices.
Подарок ребенку 3-6 лет
Gift to the child of 3-6 years
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At this age children already look forward to a holiday and order to Father Frost a long-awaited gift. If it did not occur, or you want suit to the child a surprise, then at this age it is rather easy to please the kid, considering just huge choice of various gifts.
Книга новогодней тематики
Book of New Year's subject
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It is possible to acquire the beautiful book with the New Year's fairy tale. If the child not too is fond of books, present him a gift "in retro style" - a diaprotektor and a set of filmstrips. They not only develop the kid, but also will allow to have a good time all family.
Кукла или железная дорога
Doll or railroad
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The girl will surely be glad to a doll, and the boy – the railroad. The child of any floor will like a mosaic, and also some set for children's creativity. By the way, if the kid has no own little table or an easel yet, then New Year is an excellent occasion to get them.
Подарок ребенку 6-10 лет
Gift to the child of 6-10 years
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At this age many children do not believe in Father Frost any more, but the tradition to give gifts remains. It is possible to arrange to the child a "non-material" gift, for example, joint decoration of a fir-tree, creation of a New Year's hand-made article or a campaign on a fascinating attraction. By the way, for such "non-material" gifts it is necessary to acquire a set of accessories, such as scissors, brushes, paints, color paper and many other things.
Билеты в театр или кино
Theater tickets or cinema
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Interesting New Year's representation or morning performance will become a good gift for the child at this age. And if you want that your child with interest and advantage spent New Year's vacation, present him the permit in language or sports center.
Активные подарки
Active gifts
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If at you the active child grows up, skis or pipits, and also beautiful and convenient sportswear will become a fine gift for New Year. And that there was an occasion all this to put on itself, it is possible to spend active vacation with a family in the fresh air.
Новогодний подарок ребенку
New Year's gift to the child
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It is possible to call age of 11-14 years safely teenage. The child does not wait for gifts from Father Frost for a long time and the holiday prefers to note not in the family circle, and in friendly. But that children love gifts in all the same. At this age it is the heaviest to present a gift to the child as all already gave, and the child cannot be defined.
Новогоднее путешествие
New Year's travel
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If finance allows, present to the child a New Year's travel. As a rule, such trips are made with group of age-mates under the leadership of the guide. It is possible to guarantee that your child will perfectly spend time and to you he will be grateful for so unusual gift.
Каждому - по способностям
To everyone - on abilities
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At this age children have serious hobbies which can become afterwards also a profession. If you noticed creative abilities at the child, present the high-quality digital camera to the young amateur photographer, the latest software to the computer genius or the sewing machine the beginning needlewoman, tourist equipment to the fan of the nature, etc.


Whether you know that:

Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.