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TOP-10 the products raising hemoglobin

Продукты животного происхождения
Animal products
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At detection of anemia specialists recommend to include more animal products in a food allowance. Among them there is a liver, meat, cream, butter and other similar products. It is optional to use them in pure form, it is possible to use also as a part of other dishes. For example, at unwillingness there is a liver, it is possible to make liver fritters or liver cake.
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To the second in the list of the products raising hemoglobin there is a beet. Its use has to be long. For increase in level of hemoglobin in blood it is necessary to eat beet daily for four months. In day it is necessary to eat 130 g of boiled beet or to drink 30 g of beet juice. Beet as a part of salad also enters day norm.
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Even it is useful for healthy person to eat apples and what to tell about having anemia. They need to eat half a kilo of apples a day. Apples contain a lot of iron, capable to raise hemoglobin. An important point – after the use of apples it is impossible to have tea for two hours. This results from the fact that tea slows down process of digestion of iron that in a case with anemia inadmissibly.
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For increase in hemoglobin use hips. Do infusion which is drunk in the mornings of them. Best of all for preparation of infusion to use a thermos. It is necessary to take dried berries of a dogrose at the rate of two tablespoons of berries on a glass of boiled water, to allow to insist and accept on a half of a glass or on the whole glass once a day.
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You do not hurry to get rid of nettle thickets on the site. It cannot be considered a weed for a long time. It is useful at many diseases, including, and at anemia. For treatment it is possible to use both fresh leaves of a nettle, and dried. From fresh it is possible to make salad, and from dried – infusion. The tablespoon of the crushed leaves of a nettle is filled in with boiled water and insisted within half an hour. Drink on a spoon three times a day.
Дыни и арбузы
Melons and water-melons
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Melons and water-melons are the products capable to raise hemoglobin. With their help it is possible to fill up an organism with useful substances actively. It is necessary to show consideration for their choice as the benefit will be brought by only naturally grown up products, without use of harmful chemical additives very much. Be not tempted with early water-melons and melons. Wait for approach of a season. The chance to buy qualitative products sharply will increase.
Mountain ash
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At anemia very useful product is the mountain ash. In what its advantage? In a mountain ash high percent of content of vitamin C. This vitamin B the turn promotes digestion of iron from other products which we eat. Four times a day in volume of one tablespoon are the most convenient to accept mountain ash juice.
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Tasty and useful product in respect of increase in level of hemoglobin are carrots. It is necessary to eat it together with sour cream. This salad to taste to both children, and adults. But carrot juice is considered even more useful. Its bright orange color creates positive mood, and the vitamin structure strengthens health. The day norm of carrot juice makes 100 g.
Грецкие орехи
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The list of the products raising hemoglobin is continued by walnuts. In day it is recommended to use 100 g of the crushed nuts. For bigger efficiency they should be mixed with honey. The received weight needs to be divided into three-four portions and to eat during the day. For preparation of this delicacy it is possible to use nuts and other grades.
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For increase in hemoglobin it is possible to use as garnet, and to drink garnet juice. It is recommended even to pregnant women at whom anemia is often observed. In garnet juice high content of fructose and glucose, it is quickly acquired, and in addition to increase in hemoglobin regulates activity of a stomach and stimulates appetite. It is possible to drink garnet juice daily.


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