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We are treated dancing

Профессия - танцевальный терапевт
Profession - the dancing therapist
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Yes, such profession as "the dancing therapist", already several years exists in America. It works in hospitals and services of psychological assistance. In Russia the treatment technique dance, though not such is popular, but also has deserved success. According to researches, by means of dance it is possible to soften manifestation of serious symptoms of diseases. Complete approach to human health is the cornerstone of practice.
Немного истории
It is a little history
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The idea of dens-therapy in itself is not new. It is enough to remember ritual dances of the African and Indian tribes. Already in those days people understood that they physical and sincere health of the person are interconnected with the movements of a body. Later dances were used for treatment of emotional frustration, and also spiritual and physical rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders.
Какой танец выбрать?
What dance to choose?
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Tango, salsa or the ballet – everyone a type of dance chooses convenient for. The fact that any dances are capable to increase vital potential is important. When the person moves, blood in veins circulates quicker, respectively bodies receive more oxygen and vitamins. Lungs, kidneys, heart and secretory system begin to work more actively. Lack of any exercise stress can lead to deplorable effects for health.
Самые распространенные болезни
The most widespread diseases
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Today people most often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of a musculoskeletal system, pathologies of joints and a backbone. All these diseases are directly connected with a physical activity of the person. When muscles weaken, load of the ossa increases. Therefore complex treatment of these diseases shall include a physical activity.
Вальс от артрита
Waltz from arthritis
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After long observations the American scientists found out that dances are capable to kill pain at arthritis. 200 people participated in an experiment. They waltzed 1,5 hours a week. At more than half of examinees after a course of trainings painful symptoms began to be shown less often, indicators of the general activity improved. Also participants of an experiment noted that they ceased to have problems with a dream.
Балет от болезни Альцгеймера
The ballet from Alzheimer's disease
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In Europe lessons of the ballet use as a part of complex treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It helps to brake development of unpleasant symptoms. Specialists offer to it a simple explanation: during dance it is necessary to carry out synchronously several pas, and pleasant background music is excellent motivation that the person aimed to carry out exercises as it is possible better. Thus, the ballet helps to improve quality of life of patients.
Танго от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний
Tango from cardiovascular diseases
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Argentineans assure that a tango – at all not "dance of the broken hearts", and just the opposite. It is used for therapy of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiologists assure that occupations of a tango it is useful in the same degree that run and walking. The tango lightens the mood and helps the patient to recover quicker.
Кому показана дэнс-терапия?
To whom is dens-therapy shown?
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Dens-terapiya it is shown at any age – to both children, and people of advanced age. You can ask: why instead of dens-therapy not to register in a circle of usual dances? The matter is that the wrong physical activity can lead to deterioration in the general state. For example, aerobic loading which will be suitable for young and healthy people is contraindicated to patients with pathologies of cardiovascular system.
Видимый результат
Visible result
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Results of dens-therapy not only are notable, but also are visible it is available! The bearing becomes better, coordination of movements is stabilized, the musculoskeletal system becomes stronger. Occupations help to be released to the person in the emotional and psychological plan, to remove blocks which prevent to disclose deep aspirations of the person. Pleasant music helps to get rid of a depression, there is an aspiration to live, the self-assessment raises.


Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.