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Care of hair: councils of trichologists

Прикладная трихология
Applied trichology
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The trichology – rather new direction, and is present today at an arsenal of doctors-trikholov not so many methods of treatment. In the majority, all of them are taken from dermatology and cosmetology. To it it is possible to carry cosmetic techniques (masks and peelings), and also physical therapy (vacuum massage, phototherapy, electrotreatment). Special attention is paid combinatory treatments in each case.
Когда трихолог необходим?
When the trichologist is necessary?
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As soon as you noticed some problems with the hair or head skin which do not pass within three and more months, it is possible to register safely in reception to the trichologist. You should not wait when the most part of hair is lost. As a rule, it is almost impossible to recover the lost hair, this process can only be suspended.
Когда волосы больны?
When hair are sore?
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There is a set of types of an alopecia and diseases of head skin. At diseases of skin reddenings, dandruff are observed, the itch and discomfort are felt during combing. At diseases of hair they can look dim and lifeless. Also such option is possible: hair beautiful and brilliant, but steadily thin. It becomes noticeable not at once but only through a long time.
Что вредит волосам?
What harms hair?
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Ultraviolet, daily laying using hair dryers and ringlets, frequent coloring has the greatest destroying effect on structure of hair. But these factors are not enough that the alopecia developed. Baldness can result or genetic predisposition, or owing to influence of aggressive external and chemical factors (hormonal failures, drug intake, a stress, etc.).
Борьба с сединой ультрафиолетом и пигментами
Fight against a gray hair ultraviolet and pigments
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The European scientists developed efficient method of controlling with a gray hair – by means of ultraviolet and enzymes which stimulate development of pigments. This method also protects hair from negative external impact. But in order that trichologists began to apply a similar technique, it is necessary to carry out clinical tests for its effectiveness and harmlessness.
Поливитаминные комплексы от алопеции
Polyvitaminic complexes from an alopecia
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It is scientifically proved that vitamin complexes, at observance of conditions of technology of their production, help to support hair in good shape. Vitamin complexes have fortifying effect, however they are not capable to stimulate growth of hair. Therefore it is reasonable to use them at an insignificant hair loss. Vitamins at observance of rigid diets are especially necessary.
Как провести диагностику состояния волос?
How to carry out diagnosis of a condition of hair?
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There are two diagnostic methods – a trikhoskopiya and a fototrikhogramma. Fototrikhogramma – a simple method, but demands time. Its essence consists that on the shaven site of the head the color mark is put, and in several days the level of the grown hair then by means of the computer process results is measured. Trikhoskopiya means survey of hair and head skin by increase.
Эффективность средств
Efficiency of means "2 in 1"
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Shirokorazreklamirovanny means is "2 in 1" a mix from the clearing shampoo and the conditioner. Such means do not recommend to use at the increased fat content of head skin. At dry and normal hair such cosmetics for hair is quite effective.
Различные масла для волос
Various hair oil
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Various hair oil uses when washing, applies as a mask on wet hair with the subsequent washing off, or already on dry to facilitate laying. With care the people inclined to an allergy as natural vegetable oils can promote development of an itch and irritation should belong to it means.
Помогают ли лошадиные шампуни?
Whether horse shampoos help?
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Some time ago conditioning agents behind hair for animals began to enjoy wide popularity at people. However it is not useful. Such shampoos can cause strong irritation of head skin as contain higher dose of washing ingredients. They overdry head skin, do hair fragile. Therefore before buying horse shampoos in a veterinary drugstore, properly think.
Уход за волосами - где лучше?
Care of hair - where is better?
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Whether it is necessary for care of hair to visit the specialized centers, or rather home care? The answer to this question in many respects depends on age. So, to young people will not prevent to attend procedures of a peeling, microcurrent therapy, massage. And here after 35 years it is useful for women to conduct mesotherapy courses using the drugs stimulating growth of hair, and also lazero-and a plasmotherapy.
Как ухаживать за волосами после климакса?
How to look after hair after a climax?
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With approach of a climax it is necessary to watch a condition of hair with special care, at least, once a month. Courses of an electrotherapy and the procedure of low-intensive laser radiation are very effective. However all these methods are good only for prevention of a hair loss. And all these methods need to be applied to recovery of density of hair in combination with medicinal therapy.
Процедуры для длинных волос
Procedures for long hair
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Long hair need additional moistening and nutrition. It is regularly necessary to put special masks, to use conditioners and balms with the content of nutritious oils (almonds, jojoba, wheat) and moisturizing components (Aloe Vera, a lotus, an ivy, etc.). The quite good effect gives biolamination. The special structure as if seals hair outside, doing them brilliant and healthy.
Что делать при перхоти?
What to do at dandruff?
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If dandruff insignificant, then it is reasonable to use special shampoos. If not only dandruff, but also irritation and an itch of head skin is observed, then it is necessary to address the trichologist. Severe dandruff can lead to development of inflammatory process, and as a result – to infection of deeper layers of a derma. Therefore it is important not to start treatment and to resort to the help of professionals.
Можно ли быстро отрастить волосы?
Whether it is possible to grow hair quickly?
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Unfortunately, hair quickly do not grow. In a month growth of hair averages no more than 1 centimeter. It is possible to accelerate this process, but it is insignificant, by means of vitamin complexes and mesoinjections.


Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.