Everything juice is useful? In what quantity they can be drunk and than they help an organism?">
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Everything that it is necessary to know about juice

Овощные или фруктовые?
Vegetable or fruit?
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Both that and others are useful, but it is important to know that fruit juice contains more sugar, and in vegetable – salts. Natural vegetable juice is capable to remove an acute phase of hunger though in it there are less calories, in comparison with fruit. Juice of vegetables strengthens health, so, beet reduces arterial pressure, and juice of tomatoes serves for prevention of a prostate cancer.
Как относиться к нектарам?
How to treat nectars?
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Nectars consist of a small amount of the juice, water, syrup and sugar. Judging by structure, drink turns out very caloric, at the same time the content of useful substances in it is minimum. Preferring nectars to natural juice, it is possible to increase risk of developing of obesity.
Есть ли норма?
Whether there is a norm?
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The advantage of fruit juice is obvious if to observe a measure. Because, in addition to vitamins and useful substances, as a part of natural juice sugar contains. Its concentration in some juice is so high that the glass of such drink with success replaces several candies. For example, juice from sweet apples. Specialists recommend to drink no more than one glass of such juice a day.
Просто добавьте воды
Just add water
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If the concentrated juice for some reason is contraindicated to you or you want to drink more than one glass of juice a day, it is rather simple to dilute it with water. Will be suitable for these purposes usual drinking or still mineral water. On flavoring feelings the diluted juice does not concede to concentrated.
Соки для детей
Juice for children
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Children very much love juice. If not to control process, then in a day the child can drink rather large number. However specialists advise to limit consumption of juice by children and to allow kids of preschool age to drink no more than 180 g a day. School students and teenagers can increase norm to 350 g.
Соки цитрусовых
Juice of a citrus
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One of the most favourite juice – orange. It refreshes, loads with energy and has delightful taste. In it there is a lot of vitamin C increasing immunity and also calcium and vitamin D for strengthening of a bone tissue. Having sweet-sour taste, orange juice, nevertheless, is not so caloric as the majority of berry. It is possible to make cocktail from citrus juice, having mixed juice of orange and a lemon.
Гранатовый сок
Garnet juice
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In garnet juice there are a lot of antioxidants which stimulate work of a brain. Among advantages of this juice ability to suppress activity of cancer cells, to stimulate a hemopoiesis, to recover forces after surgical intervention and to have fortifying effect on all organism is registered.
Ананасовый сок
Pineapple juice
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Juice of this tropical fruit contains the substance "bromelayn" which actively influences organism lipoblasts. Therefore pineapple juice is juice number one in many diets. It has the rejuvenating effect, improves activity of a liver and kidneys. It is used at treatment of inflammatory processes of an oral cavity. It is recommended at quinsies.
Морковный сок
Carrot juice
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Carrot juice is useful at the raised exercise and intellectual stresses. He increases protective forces of an organism, struggles with infections, heals stomach ulcer, is applied at treatment of an anemia, tuberculosis and oncological diseases. It is used in dietology as the means increasing appetite. Juice of carrots improves sight therefore it is recommended to people whose work is connected with load of eyes.
Огуречный сок
Cucumber juice
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At cucumber juice very much broad spectrum of activity. It well influences work of cardiovascular system, normalizes pressure, improves a condition of hair, nails, teeth and gums. In combination with carrot juice gives help at rheumatism, improves memory and interferes with development of such diseases as periodontosis and atherosclerosis. Has diuretic effect.
Свекольный сок
Beet juice
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This juice is called the most useful to female health. It is capable to help at locks, diseases of the digestive system, disturbances with cardiac performance, an anemia and the lowered blood pressure. Beet juice is vitamin-rich also microelements. They feeds an organism and at the same time clears it of slags. It is possible to drink beet juice, previously having sustained it several hours in the refrigerator.
Томатный сок
Tomato juice
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In tomato juice very successful combination of great nutritional value to small calorie content. It contains microelements, salts, vitamins and antioxidants. Juice of a tomato is recommended for prevention of cell aging and strengthening of immune system of an organism.
Сок черной смородины
Blackcurrant juice
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Excellent cure for avitaminosis is blackcurrant juice. It is useful at viral diseases, strengthens immunity, supplies an organism with a large amount of vitamin C, is useful at an anemia. Juice of blackcurrant is appointed at gastritises with the lowered acidity, quinsy, flu, an acute bronchitis.
Яблочный сок
Apple juice
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Juice from apples one of the most popular and favourite. It is applied at a number of diseases. It and problems of heart, liver, gall bladder, kidneys. Such diseases as dysentery, gout, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, chronic colitis. Apple juice is capable to bring radionuclides and salts of heavy metals out of an organism. During the long work of a brain the glass of apple juice removes intellectual stress.
Вишневый сок
Cherry juice
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At inflammatory diseases of any character it is good to use cherry juice. It has a promoting effect on immune system and increases body resistance. Also when carrying out researches it was in the field revealed that cherry juice is capable to kill muscle pains therefore it is good to accept it after active exercise stresses.



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Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.