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7 stages of development of relationship

Стадия первая - созерцание
Stage the first - contemplation
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At the very first stage which is called contemplation, the person only tries to become noticeable for an object of the attention. That the foundation is laid for the relations shows strong desire to constantly see the pleasant person. Quite often, people specially create situations which allow to make it. At the same time is important not just most to see the person, but also to force it to pay attention to itself.
Стадия вторая - инициация
Stage the second - initiation
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After meetings began to happen more often, it is necessary to pass to the second stage of development of the relations, namely to show an initiative. It is necessary to draw attention of another with any extraordinary situation. For development of the relations it is necessary not just to pay attention, and to be remembered. For this purpose it is necessary to make an act, the answer to which will be a reciprocity of your elect or darling.
Стадия третья - открываем сердце
Stage the third - we open heart
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After the attention was drawn and it became noticeable that sympathize with you, there comes the third moment in development of the relations. In the ancient time it was called "the honey period" because feeling of love and euphoria which captures people at this stage incredibly delightfully. Hearts fight in unison, tenderness literally overflows, and lovers do not notice anything around.
Стадия четвертая - прикосновения
Stage the fourth - touches
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Desired and at the same time quite dangerous stage. Its danger is that quite often at this stage of the relation stop because partners cease to understand each other. But for continuation of the relations to learn it it is vital. If they are able to make it, then will overcome this difficult period and will move to higher level of the relations.
Стадия пятая - создание семьи
Stage the fifth - creation of a family
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Having overcome the first difficulties, two persons are ready to reach the new level of the relations. They are going to establish a family. That such desire arose, they have to study each other, to be rather balanced and to be ready to serious changes in life. At this stage of the relation, having endured the previous acute phase, are filled with warmth and deep meaning.
Стадия шестая - самопожертвование
Stage the sixth - self-sacrifice
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The relations in marriage do not remain at one level, they continue to develop and there comes the self-sacrifice stage. At this stage spouses should endow something for the sake of the benefit of another. Some in this plan have difficulties, but many successfully cope and their relations become stronger, become deeper, attachment and family bonds grows.
Стадия седьмая - гармония
Stage the seventh - harmony
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Having passed all six stages, the relations reach very high level. In them there is a warmth, attachment, sensuality, ability to endow themselves, and all this pours out in true love over which not imperiously time. Ancient said that at this stage between spouses the spiritual bond which remains for the rest of life is established. Such couples not just live together for the rest of the natural, they live very happily!


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