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The list of the problems concerning the stronger sex

Пивной живот
Beer stomach
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Proceeding from the name, many think that such stomach threatens only fans of beer. But men who do not abuse frothy beverage can become owners of a "beer" stomach also. From a slow-moving way of life and improper feeding the pot-belly can grow at any. At the same time also internals suffer, between them visceral fat collects. The diet and active lifestyle will help to get rid of it.
Резкий запах пота
Pungent smell of sweat
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This problem concerns men not less, than women. Though the phrase "sweat smell" is not absolutely right. Sweat has no smell, it is caused by bacteria for which sweat serves as the reproduction environment. As a part of men's sweat a large amount of fatty acids, and bacteria, reacting with them, cause emergence of an unpleasant smell. It is possible to cope with a problem, regularly taking a shower and using antiperspirant deodorants.
Повышенная потливость
The increased perspiration
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Men quite often suffer from the increased perspiration. In hot weather or at active exercise stresses they literally are dripping with sweat. It occurs because male skin is much more dense than women's and has the bigger number of sweat glands, larger by the size, than at women. This phenomenon is not a disease if the speech, of course, does not go about a hyperhidrosis which is successfully treated today.
Врастание волос
Growing of hair
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Sometimes the cut-off hair is bent in a hair sack that interferes with its exit to the surface of skin. It causes an inflammation and does process to have a shave uncomfortable and difficult. If the hair grew back into skin, then before starting the procedure of shaving, it is necessary to steam out well a face and to use the softening gel. After the procedure it is necessary to process leather anti-inflammatory drugs.
Потеря волос
Loss of hair
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Men often face a baldness problem. In the beginning hair become thinner, then begin to recede from the line of a forehead, bald spots appear then and finally by 50 years some men lose a considerable part of the hair. In most cases genetically caused hair loss because of testosterone hormone is the reason. Now there are drugs which can stop baldness.
Волосы на спине
Back hair
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At some men hair grow on all body: on hands, standing, on a breast and on spin. There are cheap and simple means, such as the razor, hair removal cream and wax strips. But all these methods will not bring long-term result, and procedures should be repeated repeatedly. The modern cosmetology suggests to depilate undesirable by means of the laser that gives much more lasting effect.
Сросшиеся брови
Accrete eyebrows
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It is possible to think that it at all and not a problem. Eyebrow hair from category setaceous, just the same grow in a nose and ears. If the strengthened growth of hair around eyebrows is noted, and they grow together, the same growth of hair begins in a nose and ears, and it is already much more unpleasant. Electrothermic coagulation will help to get rid of this annoying cosmetic defect. The category of electricity destroys to a follicle, and hair do not grow any more.
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Who at least once faced snore, knows about this unpleasant disease firsthand. During sleep soft tissues of a throat and throat relax and when passing flows of air make low sounds. You should not think that snore is only the annoying phenomenon. This disease which can demonstrate existence and other problems, such as excess weight, an apnoea, difficulties with an erection.
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The beautiful Latin word designates absolutely ugly action. Flatus is called the act of emission of the gaseous products formed as a result of life activity of intestines. The microorganisms conducting work in intestines of the person form up to 0,9 l of gases. Some products provoke the increased gas generation. Uncontrollable process of release of gases is a serious problem.
Эректильная дисфункция
Erectile dysfunction
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Earlier given diagnosis carried the name "impotence". But this term has so negative coloring that it is decided to be replaced with another, more sparing feelings of patients. The wrong way of life, frequent stresses, smoking and alcohol lead to the fact that by 40 years serious problems in intimate life have a large number of men. Fortunately for men, it is possible to get rid of similar problems by means of treatment.
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The Rozatsea affects a nose. It is more red, has strongly expanded capillary network, frequent to become hilly and even gets out of the shape. Most often this disease traps the men who are fond of alcohol. Also the wrong way of life or a hypodermic tick (демодекс) can become the reason of emergence of a rozatsea. As treatment serve antibiotics and vitamins. And the deformed nose is fixed by means of the laser and plastic surgery.
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Men can inherit a daltonism gene from mother, through hromosomu-H. The descended disease does not allow men to distinguish red and green color, but at the same time they see some shades unavailable to other people. Today such disease as daltonism, still will not respond to treatment yet.
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The eructation in itself is not a disease, it can only accompany them. As the reason of an eructation serves air which the person swallows together with food. The volume of the swallowed air can make up to 0,5 l. The eructation cannot be cured. But if it is caused by diseases, then their elimination will lead to disappearance of this phenomenon. By the way, in many cultures of the East the eructation is not considered something indecent, and, on the contrary, it is considered a praise sign to the cook.
Потеря слуха
Hearing loss
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The hearing loss disturbs men for the reason that at them deafness comes by 6 times more often than at women. It is connected with the fact that men are more involved on productions with the raised noise background. For preservation of hearing it is necessary to use either special earphones, or earplugs. It is also important to watch music loudness in audioplayer earphones. Hearing is lost gradually, and it is easy not to notice it.
Гиперплазия простаты
Prostate hyperplasia
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The hyperplasia of a prostate is the increase in a prostate which is not connected with cancer. Though symptoms are also similar, but between these two diseases there is nothing the general. The hyperplasia is observed at most of men 60 years are more senior. The increased prostate puts pressure upon an urethra and to the man to have more often to visit a toilet. Quite often this disease leads to sexual frustration. Its treatment requires the help of specialists.


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