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Medicinal properties of tea to a karkada

Внешний вид
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Karkade – an annual shrubby plant with powerful root system and strongly branched krone. Hibiscus flowers thick, fleshy, large, have 7 cm a diameter. Color at petals bright red, sometimes with a black or light yellow spot at the basis. As raw materials for tea use flower cup petals which to completion of blossoming become dense and thick, gaining claret color.
Состав чая каркаде
Composition of tea to a karkada
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Tea to a karkada contains a set of irreplaceable amino acids, fruit acids, macro - and microelements, digestible carbohydrates, bioflavonoids. The meletin which is present at a hibiscus helps to struggle with diseases of eyes successfully. In spite of the fact that at a plant there are many organic acids, oxalic in it is not present therefore to a karkada even people with diseases of kidneys can freely have tea.
Лечебные свойства каркаде
Medicinal properties to a karkada
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Sudan and Egypt consider a plant the universal doctor which can struggle practically with all diseases. Considering numerous curative properties of a plant, this statement is not so far from the truth. In ancient east medicine to a karkada used as antiinflammatory, spasmolytic and hypotensive means.
Польза для всего организма
Advantage for all organism
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Drink from a hibiscus increases elasticity of walls of blood vessels, does them strong, lowers cholesterol level in blood, stabilizes arterial pressure, normalizes work of digestive tract, treats cold and an allergy, effectively saves from a hangover and fights against drunkenness effects, clears a liver and stimulates its activity.
Лечение гипотонии и гипертонии
Treatment of hypotonia and hypertension
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Tea to a karkada has one surprising property. So, if to drink it hot, then it increases arterial pressure, and cold, on the contrary, lowers. People with success use this property in treatment both hypotonia, and a hypertension.
Лечение дисбактериоза
Treatment of dysbacteriosis
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Tea to a karkada positively influences an organism at food toxicoinfection, dysbacteriosis, various viral and bacterial infections of intestines. It kills pathogenic microflora and stimulates growth of salutary bacteria in digestive tract.
Глистогонное действие
Vermifuge action
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Tea to a karkada possesses the expressed vermifuge action. Drink from a hibiscus is an environmentally friendly product, and people can use it all, practically without contraindications, irrespective of diseases, age and a floor. And thanks to the calming action tea is useful to a karkada at sleeplessness.
Эффективно утоляет жажду
Effectively satisfies thirst
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Thanks to high content in petals to a karkada of citric acid, tea from a plant effectively satisfies thirst during a heat. Also this property of tea is used for fight against an infection and by disposals of a feverish condition of the patient at high temperature. Karkade very much helps at flu and is not only preventive, but also remedy at this disease.
Желчегонное и мочегонное действие
Cholagogue and diuretic action
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Drink from a hibiscus possesses soft diuretic and cholagogue action, effectively copes with slackness of a gall bladder and hypostases, at gout brings salts out of an organism, saves from stones. From flowers prepare for a karkada not only tea, fresh petals add to salads, extinguish with vegetables and meat. And seeds to a karkada add to sauces and gravies, put in second courses and soups.
Как готовить чай каркаде
How to prepare tea for a karkada
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Water for tea has to be soft and filtered. It is desirable to use ware for tea leaves glass, porcelain or ceramic. And here metal zavarnik it is undesirable to use as tea loses the useful properties and unique taste, gets an ugly rather dirty shade.
Что добавлять
What to add
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The karkada can add mint and a lemon, and also usual tea tea leaves to tea leaves. To make to a karkada as well as usual tea, it is possible, but it is considered wrong. Ideally it is necessary to boil drink several minutes under a cover that the plant gave all useful properties to drink. If drink is taken cold, it is necessary to cool it also under a cover.
Не спешите выбрасывать заварку
You do not hurry to throw out tea leaves
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Petals of brewing tea can be not thrown out. They are edible and it is possible to add with them practically any dish: salads, desserts, and even ice cream. Petals to a karkada bring out of intestines of salt of heavy metals and tone up bodies of digestive tract. Also at petals there is a lot of vitamin C which has the revitalizing effect on an organism.
Как готовят напиток на Востоке
As cook drink in the east
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In the countries of the East for preparation of drink dry petals to a karkada fill in with cold water (1 tbsp of petals on 1 glass of water) and bring to boiling on slow fire. Several minutes boil then put sugar and cover densely. Drink is served to a table both hot, and cold with ice. On color and taste the karkada can compare tea to juice of fresh garnet.


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