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Cordial arithmetics

1 стакан красного вина от инфаркта
1 glass of red wine from a heart attack
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According to researches, drinking 1 glass of red wine a day it is possible to prevent a heart attack. Wine prevents obstruction of coronary vessels which feed heart, blood clots, and also reduce activity of thrombocytes (platelets) by 75%. For comparison, all the known acetylsalicylic acid reduces activity of thrombocytes by only 45%.
2 стакана молока от сердечной катастрофы
2 glasses of milk from cordial accident
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Scientists for 20 years observed for 3000 Japanese emigrants at the age of 55-68 years. It turned out that that experimental which drank every day two glasses of milk with low interest of fat content had diseases of cardiovascular system twice less often, than those who ignored this useful and tasty product.
3 раза в сутки продукты с витамином Е
3 times a day products with vitamin E
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According to researches if three times a day to eat products with the high content of vitamin E (cheese, vegetables, cottage cheese, vegetable oil, bean), it is possible to avoid heart diseases. Researches showed that 11 thousand Americans after 67 years conforming to this rule had sore heart twice less.
4 кусочка рыбы в неделю
4 pieces of fish a week
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If to eat four pieces of fish a week, then the risk to die of a myocardial infarction decreases on average by 44%. This discovery was made as a result of a medical experiment when doctors watched for 30 years health 2 thousand people. It should be noted as well "the Greenland phenomenon" - seaside residents of this country have practically no cardiovascular diseases.
5 грецких орехов - +7 лет жизни
5 walnuts - +7 years of life
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That 5 walnuts a day are capable to prolong life for 7 years, professor of the University of California Harry Frezer tells. According to its researches, as a part of walnuts there are substances which protect vessels and heart from harmful effects of cholesterol.
6 лестничных пролетов от сердечной катастрофы
6 ladder flights from cordial accident
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The probability of cordial accident decreases by 3 times if every morning and evening to go on a ladder. The Belarusian scientist N. I. Arinchin claims that each of us, has not one heart also peripheral which role skeletal muscles carry out, first of all, muscles of legs. Thus, regular walking on a ladder helps to pump over a venous blood that facilitates work of a myocardium.
7 ч.л. малинового варенья для коронарных артерий
7 tsps of raspberry jam for coronary arteries
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Daily eaten 7 teaspoons of raspberry jam for half a year by 2,5 times strengthen coronary arteries. At raspberry jam there is a lot of vitamin C and P, the vessels strengthening walls, and also salicylic acid which normalizes coagulant system of blood. Thus, this tasty delicacy is a worthy alternative to aspirin, it is useful for prevention of blood clots, at threat of a stroke and heart attack.
8 бананов для нормального пульса
8 bananas for normal pulse
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Pulse strongly becomes frequent after even an insignificant exercise stress or the postponed stress? Eat couple of bananas. It will provide to a nervous system an energy source, will recover balance of potassium in an organism, will promote preservation of proteinaceous connections in a cardiac muscle and will normalize pulse.
9 куплетов от стенокардии
9 couplets from stenocardia
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It is useful to sing every morning and evening for heart. Statistically, choristers and opera singers live much longer, than representatives of other professions. Why? When the person sings, not only his voice device is actively involved, but also the blood stream in a small circle of blood circulation becomes more active. It provides the strengthened gas exchange and delivers oxygen directly to a cardiac muscle, and also other fabrics and bodies.
10 минут молитвы для миокарда
10 minutes of a prayer for a myocardium
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The Italian scientists noted the interesting fact: when monks pray and participate in a church service, processes of aging are slowed down. It appears, the prayer or auto-training, reading mantras and other synchronize biorespiratory rhythms and hearts, in general revitalize and rejuvenate an organism.
11 не сердечных профессий
11 not cordial professions
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According to the international researches, there is feedforward between some professions and development of the atherosclerosis affecting cardiovascular system. So, are dangerous to profession heart, connected with psychoemotional tension: miners, police officers, astronauts, air traffic controllers, pilots, managers, heads of banks and productions, stomatologists, journalists, drivers, conveyor workers.
12 сигаретных затяжек - +5% нагрузка на сердце
12 cigarette tightenings - +5% load of heart
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Each tightening narrows coronary arteries and increases pulse by 8-10 beats per minute. One cigarette deprives an organism of 10 mg of the vitamin C necessary for walls of blood vessels. Nicotine reduces delivery of oxygen to fabrics, increases coagulability of blood, promotes formation of blood clots. The carbon monoxide which is present at tobacco smoke causes air hunger of a cardiac muscle and promotes development of atherosclerosis.
13 кг нагрузки на сердце
13 kg of load of heart
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People with an excess weight of 4 times suffer from a heart attack more often. Recently English specialists made experiments which showed that with body weight in 90 kg it is real to person to lose excess weight for 2 years (not less than 13 kg), without changing a usual way of life. It is enough to pass only in bystry speed 2,5 kilometers daily.
14 апельсинов в неделю от стресса
14 oranges a week from a stress
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At a citrus there is a vitamin C, and also the bioflavonoids necessary for digestion of this vitamin. Contains in pulp of oranges the pectins and other natural polysaccharides bringing ions of heavy metals out of an organism, and also protecting cardiovascular system from adverse ecological factors.
У кого чаще болит сердце?
Whom heart hurts more often?
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Staff of WHO calculated that among men more often residents of Armenia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden and Ireland have heart troubles, and is more rare – residents of Japan, France, Chile and Portugal. Women from Chile, Mexico, Portugal and Venezuela practically out of danger risk to get sick with heart diseases of the woman from Latvia, Serbia, the USA, Montenegro, Armenia, Lithuania, Macedonia, and here.



Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.