Main > Slideshow> Masks of one disease: thyroid gland

Masks of one disease: thyroid gland

Великий маскировщик
Great camoufleur
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The thyroid gland carries out an important role in an organism: regulates a metabolism, work of a nervous system, heat exchange and many other things. Just because she is responsible for a condition of various systems of an organism, it is sometimes so heavy to define that its function is broken. When there are problems with health, about it we, remember in the last turn, visiting many different doctors and looking for the reasons for each symptom separately.
Какой врач необходим?
What doctor is necessary?
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It is necessary to go to the endocrinologist. Simple blood test on the level of hormones of a thyroid gland will help you to define from where all these symptoms undertook. Level of hormones can be lowered or raised. In these situations not only various treatment is required, but also absolutely different symptoms will disturb you.
Меняется цвет кожи
Skin color changes
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If you noticed that skin got a yellowish shade from you, you should not run at top speed to the doctor and to shout: "I have a jaundice!". Doctors can be also mistaken and make you the diagnosis "hepatitis", without having taken into consideration at all that such skin color can be at insufficiency of function of a thyroid gland – a hypothyroidism. Low level of hormones breaks carotene transformation (a yellow pigment) to vitamin A why there is such symptom.
Склонность к запорам
Tendency to locks
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You complain about the appeared problems with digestion, weight in a stomach, impossibility to descend in a toilet? Besides, it can also speak about existence of a hypothyroidism. By the way, existence of stones in a gall bladder – too one and widespread masks of insufficiency of function of a thyroid gland.
Побаливает сердце
Heart aches a bit
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The heartache should not write off for usual "myocarditis". Check a thyroid gland better. The lack of hormones of blood strongly influences cardiac performance and causes significantly delay of its rhythm (less than 60 beats per minute), and also heart failure and pressure differences. Quite often also the hypothyroidism is followed by deficit of folic acid and iron.
Лишний вес
Excess weight
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You already long time keep to the most strict diet, and weight does not leave? First of all it is necessary to check work of a thyroid gland. At a hypothyroidism the metabolism is broken, in blood excess of cholesterol accumulates that, in turn, causes atherosclerosis and obesity.
Расстройства менструального цикла
Frustration of a menstrual cycle
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At a hypothyroidism of periods can stop at all, or to become even more plentiful and is longer. Quite often insufficiency of function of a thyroid gland promotes decrease in a libido, dryness of a vagina develops, there is a polycystosis of ovaries, myomas are formed, the strengthened growth of hair on a breast, a stomach, person is observed.
Чувствительность к холоду
Sensitivity by cold
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Hormones of a thyroid gland regulate heat exchange process therefore at their shortage body temperature quite often significantly decreases. At the same time the person constantly freezes, feels fatigue and slackness. One more manifestation of a hypothyroidism – the increased tendency to infections, thyroid hormones stimulate immunity.
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Because of disturbance of a water salt metabolism at a hypothyroidism hypostases develop. At hypostases of a throat and language there is snore, and hypostasis of phonatory bands reduces a voice timbre. Also sense bodys suffer: there are visual disturbances, there is a sonitus, hearing decreases. Edematous fabrics squeeze nerves in a wrist because of what the feeling of numbness in extremities appears.
Боль в суставах
Joint pain
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You are tormented by arthritis? As its reason the lack of function of a thyroid gland can also serve. The hypothyroidism causes disbolism as in an organism the level of uric acid increases. Quite often it causes gout.
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It is already proved that 8-14% of people with the diagnosis a depression actually have problems with a thyroid gland. The hypothyroidism is dangerous also that at its initial stage it can have only one symptom – a depression. However at the same time it is worth paying attention that at a usual depression weight is inclined to decrease, but not to increase, there is sleeplessness, and at a hypothyroidism – drowsiness. Therefore will not prevent to take a blood test on hormones once again.
Лечение гипотиреоза
Treatment of a hypothyroidism
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At a hypothyroidism the endocrinologist, as a rule, appoints reception of hormones of a thyroid gland. The dosage depends on the level of thyritropic hormone (TTG). Unfortunately, you should accept hormonal drugs, most likely, throughout all life as at this disease synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland is not recovered. However there is nothing terrible in it, and is not too high price for good health.
А каковы симптомы гипертиреоза?
And what symptoms of a hyperthyroidism?
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It was talked above of a hypothyroidism and what symptoms of the strengthened function of a thyroid gland? Generally these symptoms are directly opposite to all above-mentioned. So, the person sharply loses flesh, all the time is irritated and is nervous, the chair becomes frequent, he is tormented by continuous differences of mood, sleeplessness, the cordial rhythm becomes frequent (sometimes very significantly, to 120-160 beats per minute and more), there is a strong weakness, arrhythmias.
Лечение гипертиреоза
Treatment of a hyperthyroidism
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Treatment of a hyperthyroidism can be various. So, if the thyroid gland is not significantly increased, the doctor can register the drugs suppressing function of a thyroid gland. However efficiency their preferential temporary also makes about 30%. In other cases it is possible to choose radical treatment – to remove a part of a thyroid gland, or to prefer treatment by a radioiodine which is not as dangerous at all as speak.
Не занимайтесь самолечением
Do not self-medicate
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If you found out that you have problems with a thyroid gland, you should not self-medicate. Believe, no amber beads and infusions on a walnut partition will help you! You should not also begin to accept iodine independently. It is dangerous at all as the overdose by iodine can lead to blockade of a thyroid gland, and it is dangerous to an organism. Address the endocrinologist and accept drugs only at his insistance.


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