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What products prevent to lose weight

Мармелад жевательный
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Many consider gummies useful as it contains fruit juice. But actually they there so are not enough that the argument becomes unconvincing. In fact, this fruit jelly that other as candy with high content of corn syrup. This component just also promotes a set of excess body weight. Replace gummies with fresh fruit, cellulose and antioxidants will bring to your organism more benefit
Газировка диетическая
Aerated water dietary
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This name misleads people. Specialists proved that only one portion of such aerated water a day, at its regular use, is capable to cause obesity. Replace aerated water with usual mineral water or juice of the fresh fruit which are also diluted with mineral water. The advantage will be double. On the one hand the organism will receive useful composition of "fruit" vitamins, with another – will fill a liquid reserve.
Печенье с низким процентом жирности
Cookies with low interest of fat content
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Choosing cookies, pay attention not only to fat content, but also to the content of sugar in pastries. It is important as buying cookies with low interest of fat content, it is possible not to notice that a large amount of sugar gives the same calories, and is possible more. Oatmeal cookies – a source of whole cereals will approach. And here, with butter and syrup corn in structure, leave products from high-grade flour to lie on the shelf.
Напитки ароматизированные
The drinks flavored
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Many prefer the flavored drinks, especially during the hot summer period. It does not bring benefit to either health, or a figure. Various additives, among them fragrances, dyes, sweeteners, amplifiers of taste, do not allow to satisfy thirst, and 200 calories getting to an organism with each drunk bottle do harm to a figure. Choose drinks with natural ingredients as a part of which there is neither sugar, nor its substitutes.
Чипсы картофельные запеченные
Chips potato baked
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When roasting chips receive not so much calories as they when frying, but nevertheless remain a high-calorific and low-useful product. They can be replaced with popcorn in which cellulose is 65% more, than in chips. It is more preferable to choose the popcorn intended for preparation without oil in the microwave oven. In addition to pleasure fans of popcorn will receive a decent stock of whole cereals.
Мороженое низкокалорийное
Ice cream low-calorie
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The name of a product does not correspond to its contents as in low-calorie ice cream of calories it is not less at all, than in usual. If on calories there are no special differences, then here taste strongly differs, and not to the best for low-calorie ice cream. The choice of a delicacy on the basis of coconut or soy milk will help. Advantages it is available: both contains cellulose, and natural prebiotic – inulin.
Заправки для салатов обезжиренные
Gas stations for salads fat-free
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The fat-free gas stations for salads do not bring notable benefit to an organism because vitamins E, A, D, K are acquired only in the presence of fats. Besides, despite the lack of fat in them there are a lot of calories, thanks to sugar. The best means for seasoning of salads is olive oil, along with vinegar and herbs. Eating the salad seasoned with oil, we allow useful substances to be acquired 5 times more effectively.
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Some prefer pretzels instead of chips and croutons, including them more useful. But you should not be fond of them, otherwise you risk to receive a large amount of carbohydrates. Remember pictures of the Russian beauties against the background of a samovar and pretzels. Having decided to have a bite next time and wishing to keep at the same time a figure, make a choice for wholegrain crackers. Sunflower seeds in their structure well satisfy hunger, thanks to protein and cellulose.


Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.