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The rating of useful drinks from nutritionists

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The rating of useful drinks from nutritionists
1 of 10
Let's consider the TOP of the most useful drinks which daily use is necessary for maintenance and recovery of normal life activity of an organism.
2 of 10
The human body more than for 70% consists of water which reserves should be filled constantly. The regular use of enough water activates life activity of cells, clears an organism of toxins, promotes improvement of digestion and digestion of nutrients. At the same time improves work of muscular tissue, including hearts, stimulates cerebration as cells of a brain consist of water more than for 90%.
Гранатовый сок
Garnet juice
3 of 10
Svezheotzhaty garnet juice contains A, B1, B2, C, PP vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, polyphenols in a large number. The regular use of garnet juice promotes a lowering of arterial pressure, normalizes work of cardiovascular system, considerably raises hemoglobin, improving quality of blood therefore it is very useful at anemia.
Зеленый чай
Green tea
4 of 10
Correctly made, good grades krupnolistovy green tea contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavonoids, phenols, catechins necessary for an organism, tannins (tannin). Catechins promote lowering of the level of cholesterol in blood, participate in start of process of formation of new cells, vitamin E slows down cell aging process, tannins destroy the fulfilled erythrocytes.
Клюквенный морс
Cranberry drink
5 of 10
The organic acids which are contained in a large number – lemon, amber, the benzoic, cinchonic, a complex of vitamins and a large number of microelements necessary for an organism do cranberry drink by irreplaceable drink, especially in the period of winter avitaminosis. In a cranberry it is unique the betaine, anthocyans, catechins and flavanols are combined, interfering with death and cell aging, education of free radicals and development of oncological new growths.
Яблочный сок
Apple juice
6 of 10
Very high content in svezheotzhaty apple juice of iron is irreplaceable at anemia and for normal functioning of cardiovascular and circulatory system. The daily use of apple juice improves breath, promotes regeneration of lungs, even at systematically smoking people. At apple juice there is a vitamin C, minerals and organic acids.
7 of 10
The irreplaceable source of the calcium necessary for normal development and strengthening of teeth and bones, calcium contains in milk in various connections. It is more, than in any other drinks, contains in milk water-soluble vitamins, useful fats, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Content of the zinc playing an important role in health of urinogenital system, the iodine important for normal functioning of a thyroid gland is high.
8 of 10
Having all properties and advantages of milk, is unique drink. As a part of kefir several tens of species of the barmy, acetic-acid and milk bacteriums and kinds of a kefiric mycelium contributing to normalization of activity of digestive tract and improving digestion process contain. The daily use of kefir stabilizes exchange processes and stimulates immunity.
Мятный чай
Mint tea
9 of 10
The menthol which is contained in essential oil of leaves of mint makes positive impact on an organism. Facilitates breath at catarrhal diseases, a headache at migraines, stimulates work of cardiovascular system, reduces muscular pains. At a hypertension successfully reduces arterial pressure, it is recommended at atherosclerosis and stenocardia. The regular use of mint tea normalizes work of intestines.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.