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What disturbs a full-fledged dream

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Study at school or institute
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To get up in the morning and not to be late for occupations, children and teenagers need to go to bed in certain time which can not correspond to the biorhythm put in an organism at all. Hormone begins to be produced melatonin in a children's organism not earlier than 23:00. I.e. the nature disposed so that to teenagers to sleep it is necessary to lay down later. And in the morning children, on the contrary, want to have a sleep longer.
Частые позывы к мочеиспусканию
Frequent desires to an urination
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If to you frequent desires to an urination prevent to sleep at night, it is necessary to understand the reasons. At men prostatitis is the most common cause. And before beginning treatment of a disease, it is possible to take the following advice: if you often get up at night, then try not to turn on the light. Then you will have much more chances to fall asleep again quickly upon return to a bed.
Прием определенных лекарств
Reception of certain drugs
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Some medical drugs can cause serious frustration of a dream. It can be drugs for treatment of arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, heart troubles. If you observe that drug intake causes in you sleeplessness or dreadful dreams, it is necessary to consult with the doctor regarding selection of alternative drugs.
Храп партнера
Snore of the partner
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Many people snore when they sleep on spin. In this case the reason of snore consists in relaxation of facial muscles: language sinks down in a throat and creates an obstacle for air pass. There is a solution: enclose some subject that it was inconvenient to it to sleep in this situation under the partner's back. Or buy earplugs.
Синдром усталых ног
Syndrome of tired legs
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Syndrome of tired legs – a disease at which in legs burning, pains, goosebumps is felt. As a rule, these symptoms are shown just at the time of backfilling. Statistically, about 15% of the population at least once in life felt this unpleasant feeling. For elimination of symptoms it is sometimes enough to rise and walk. If it does not help, then it is necessary to address the specialist.
Курение по ночам
Smoking at night
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Many smokers feels in the sleep thirst for smoking. Despite desire to sleep, desires to a cigarette win, and you get up from a warm and cozy bed to come to a cold balcony and to stuff an organism with the next portion of nicotine. What here can be an exit? Only – to leave off smoking one!
Вы - сова
You - an owl
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What to do to the person if he – an owl? Such people cannot fall asleep till the dead of night. It is possible to read the book, to watch TV, to play at the computer. But quite often such activity leads to the fact that the person cannot get up in the morning in required time. An exit two – to try to reconstruct the organism and to accustom him to lay down a bit earlier. Or to find work in the second change.
Дети поздно ложатся спать
Children late go to bed
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This situation is familiar to all parents. You already in a bed are also ready to fall asleep, and children rush on the apartment, and, apparently, in the nearest future are not going to lay down. It is necessary to try to develop a sleep pattern which will not give an inconvenience to a family at children. It is possible to resort to a special diet with inclusion in a diet of pumpkin sunflower seeds. They contain a lot of tryptophane – amino acid which takes part in production of sleep hormones.
Острая пища на ужин
Spicy food for dinner
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Quite often later ostrenky we have a heartburn. If you are a fan of Mexican cuisine, then at your first-aid kit there shall be drugs which are effectively eliminating heartburn. And nevertheless, before going to bed the best decision will be to refrain from spicy food.
Маленький ребенок кричит по ночам
The small child shouts at night
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If you jump from a bed at the first shout of the child, ready to rock to sleep him though till the morning, it is possible to give one advice: let's the kid have a good cry. If you are sure that the child has no reasons to cry at night (he is full, he is not hurt by a tummy, there is no temperature, etc.), then it is natural crying of the baby. The kid has to learn to fall asleep independently, otherwise he will not allow you to sleep fully at night for a long time.
Животные в спальне
Animals in a bedroom
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Your favourite dog can bark or shudder at night, and the favourite cat – restlessly to sleep and to jump constantly, sniffing at each corner. Parrots in general can wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning and disclose the room sharp shouts. It can to someone and it is pleasant, but to the majority it prevents to sleep normally. From here a conclusion – an animal in a bedroom not the place!
Вы регулярно спите днем
You regularly sleep in the afternoon
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If you like a couple of hours to take a nap in the afternoon whether then it is worth being surprised that at night you cannot fall asleep. Scientists assure that if to sleep at the night of 8 hours, the organism does not need a day dream. And if you cannot refuse to yourself such pleasure as a day dream, then try to reduce its time to half an hour.
Шум во дворе
Noise in the yard
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Domestic noise can not only influence quality of a dream, but also not allow to fall asleep at all. The main problem consists in noise waves when, for example, to the house the car sharply approaches or drives off. In this case it is possible to advise to get windows with sound isolation, or to move to quieter room.
Вы не можете спать на одной кровати с партнером
You cannot sleep on one bed with the partner
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Dream of the married couple sleeping on one bed, worse. The dream on separate beds, and even in certain rooms, often brings much more benefit. As often happens, one of partners snores, another is constantly pushed with legs that prevents to get enough sleep fully to both. You should not be frightened that your beds will be separate – but nerves will become stronger that will positively affect the relations.
Шумные соседи
Noisy neighbors
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Often to us noise in the neighboring apartment does not allow to fall asleep. A feast, repair at this time of night, quarrels or, on the contrary, too loud sex – what to do? Scientists recommend to try to relax and not to be nervous. Everyone has to have the universal method of relaxation: cup of herbal tea, hot bathtub, sex and even masturbation.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.