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How to feed the child?

Вкусовые пристрастия
Flavoring addictions
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If you it is not aware, we will open a small secret: all children are awful conservatives, any new food causes in them suspiciousness. For example, some children do not eat the mixed food (salads, soups), others, on the contrary, will not eat products which lie separately from each other on a plate. You should not regard such behavior of the child as a whim. The child has full authority there is the fact that he wants, and in such look as it is pleasant to it.
Трудности с пережевыванием
Difficulties with a chewing
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Sometimes little children refuse to eat dense food, such as cutlets or baked puddings. Most likely, it is connected with the fact that the child did not learn to chew independently food yet or because parents a long time fed the kid with the crushed food (can puree, etc.).
Однообразная пища
Uniform food
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It becomes frequent the reason of small appetite uniform food. Perhaps the kid was just bothered by those dishes with which you feed him? Here also the poor creature suffers, cannot run to shop and buy that he wants. Sometimes, on the contrary, the child wants for breakfast, the lunch and a dinner are the same dish. And when you do not meet its requirement, organizes a hunger strike. Here parents should try to correct a situation.
Having a snack
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The most widespread mistake of parents – they allow children having a snack between food. Well as it is possible to refuse to the kid when he to ask only one cookie or a piece of bread? Whether it is worth being surprised then that your child does not want anything to eat? Having picked up all and gradually, your kid will naturally refuse to eat as it is full. It is necessary to feed only the hungry child.
Семейные традиции
Family traditions
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The food is the requirement demanding satisfaction. Adults understand it, and children are not present yet. Therefore parents have to teach the child on the example. If parents constantly eat "on the run", in a family there will be no traditional family lunches, then will hardly be able to explain to the son or the daughter that it is necessary to observe a diet.
Капризы за столом
Whims at a table
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Children, whose parents find too much time for feeding process, quite often arrange whims at a table. For most of mothers a task No. 1 – that their child ate. The child perfectly understands it therefore it arranges theater where parents are the audience from process of meal. Try to pretend that to you it is uninteresting. At once you will notice how to the child it will become uninteresting. Pay more attention to the child in other time better.
Режим питания
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Establish and strictly observe a diet. It will ensure to your kid stable functioning of digestive organs, and also the maximum and timely release of digestive juices. Over time your child will want to eat approximately at the same time that he will significantly facilitate feeding process.
Спокойствие и только спокойствие
Tranquility and only tranquility
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Offer the kid food consistently and quietly. If the child refuses to eat, you should not be angry. Just clear the table a plate before the following feeding. The child will get hungry and in the following feeding will eat even more. Do not worry if your child misses several feedings at once. It will fill all necessary nutrients from an internal reserve of the organism which is in muscles, a liver and other bodies.
Разнообразьте питание
Diversify food
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Diversify the child's food, offer it new products, let the kid himself choose that he is pleasant to it more. Uniform food is fraught with development of such diseases as anemia, digestive tract dysfunction, a hypovitaminosis, etc. Exclude having a snack between meals and more often be in the fresh air. Long stay indoors causes air hunger which reduces appetite and speed of exchange processes.
Сделайте процесс еды интересным
Make process of food interesting
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Make so that it was interesting to child to eat food. For example, soup can be served through a tubule, and to wrap cutlet in a color candy wrapper. And if to the child to suggest to participate in process of preparation of a dish, then he will possibly want and to try what you jointly prepared. Involve the kid in table layout. Beautiful ware and a napkin stimulates appetite.
Не впадайте в панику
Do not panic
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Quite often parents are inclined to exaggerate tragedy scale. If in your family nobody differs in excellent appetite, then why your child has to eat for three? If your child always eats a little, and at the same time is mobile and active, does not complain of feeling of hunger, then calm down, with appetite it has no problems, just it the poor eater.
Не кормите насильно
You do not feed violently
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Do not force the child is. It can cause disgust for process of acceptance of food in the child, and even to lead to vomiting at each feeding. Besides, feeding with a great effort leads to what the child ceases to distinguish independently, he is full or is hungry. And it is the direct road to an overeating, dysfunctions of a GIT and obesity. At more advanced age feeding can violently lead to psychological problems, jamming of a stress, etc.
Не отвлекайте ребенка от еды
Do not distract the child from food
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Trying to entertain the child in the course of meal, showing it animated cartoons, cheerful pictures, etc., you thereby do it a disservice. All distracting maneuvers teach the kid is, without noticing meal. As a result the child eats more, than it is necessary for it. The discomfort and weight in a stomach are as a result felt. And in the future it can lead to an overeating, gastritis and obesity.
Не оказывайте давление
Do not put pressure
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Any threats and ultimatums from parents will lead to the fact that at the kid negative reaction to meals will be developed. He will cease to receive positive emotions from food. And the food is not only physiological requirement, but also a pleasure source. Children who reside under pressure in adulthood can allow emotional and physical abuse over themselves.
Когда стоит обратиться к врачу?
When it is worth seeing a doctor?
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If you noticed that your child a long time refuses food, look narrowly at it more attentively. Perhaps it is painful to him to swallow, pant, he is whining and sluggish. Check whether there are no rashes and reddenings on skin, abdominal distentions. Track character of its chair. Any of these symptoms can serve as a signal of existence of any disease. Surely see a doctor.


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