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Rules of education of the child

Сорвались - извиняйтесь
Broke - apologize
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Even the most approximate parents sometimes cannot restrain and go too far in punishment of the child. Perhaps, it happened also to you, and you shouted at the child or even slapped him in a temper. If you see that you acted in a rush of feelings and quite could avoid similar behavior, be you self-controlled slightly better, then it is worth apologizing to the child. It will help it to understand that you did not want to hurt its feelings and to humiliate advantage.
Не унижайте ребенка
Do not humiliate the child
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Humiliation is primitive corrective action on the person. Except offense it can cause nothing. It is not capable to correct a situation at all and to influence the child, to change his behavior to the best. It is rather possible to reach opposite effect. Saying to the child that it understands nothing that it is small and silly, it is only possible to approve it in this feeling. Even more dangerously – to humiliate the child in the presence of others.
Не угрожайте ребенку
Do not threaten the child
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Threats from lips of darling sound awfully. If the one whom you love began to threaten you what you would test? Shock! The same tests the child when it hears threats from lips of parents. There is a response – the self-preservative instinct works and hatred to a source of threats appears. It occurs at the subconscious level, but if threats become a daily rule, it can develop into alienation.
Нужно дорасти до обещаний
It is necessary to grow to promises
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Sometimes parents demand the promise from the children. But whether children are able to execute them? Before still it is necessary to grow. Kids it is simple not to keep promises in forces and if parents, disregarding age, demands it from the child, they risk to receive one of two problems: or the sensitive kid will suffer feeling of inferiority from impossibility to keep the word, or will develop a habit not to attach significance to promises.
Не слишком опекайте
Not too sponsor
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It seems to some parents that care excessive does not happen. But excessive guardianship deprives of the kid of independence, and the child grows up unadapted to environmental conditions. Undoubtedly, to love and care for the child – a debt of each parent, but it is necessary to do it it is balanced, giving to the child at each stage of a growing slightly more freedom and independence. It will bring benefit to the child and will facilitate life to parents.
Учитывайте потребности ребенка
Consider needs of the child
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Parents try to satisfy physical and emotional needs of the child, but quite often treat children's needs haughtily. For example, often parents demand from the kid of immediate actions – that he stopped a game and went to have supper or wash. But if it is also sharp to ask to replace a kind of activity of parents, they will be for certain revolted with such impudence. Warn the child in advance, and you will avoid excess whims.
Не идите на поводу у ребенка
Do not follow the tastes of the child
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Children is very shrewd psychologists and instantly catch the changes happening around them. They know weak points of parents and know where and how to press to receive the desirable. Do not follow their tastes, otherwise you should do it systematically, only in process of a growing and the purpose, and means of their achievement will be much more serious. Better right at the beginning let know to the child that he will follow your rules.
Будьте последовательны
Be consecutive
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If you prohibited something to the child, then do not change the rule. If it is impossible today, then it will be impossible and tomorrow. Only in that case at the child the concept of discipline will be developed. If requirements and rules change too often, the child simply will get confused, and will not know what from him is wanted actually. Be consecutive in the instructions. It is good when both parents follow the identical rules.
Не будьте слишком требовательны
Be not too exacting
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To be adequate parents, it is necessary to remember more often himself in the childhood. Perhaps, and you in the childhood smeared a cat with brilliant green, disassembled the father's favourite receiver, cut out something from books or prepared for mother a surprise from all products which are available in the house. Look at the event with humour and then your child, having become the adult, will remember the pranks with a smile upon the face.
Не увлекайтесь чтением морали
Be not fond of reading morals
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Just holds apart some mothers and fathers from desire "to read" to the son or the daughter moralizing morals. Such method has influence, only if the child rather adult to understand morals and only if do not abuse this method. Otherwise reaction will be or any, or, what is even worse, negative – the child can think that he is a bad son or the bad daughter and did not equal hopes of parents.
Оставляйте за ребенком право выбора
Leave an option for the child
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You teach the child to bear responsibility for the acts. Controlling his behavior, leave it the place for independent decision-making. At first entrust not fundamental issues, let the child will learn to think, weigh a situation and to work in consent with it. You do not press on the child, and direct him. It will help it to create the vital skills. In process of a growing trust more.


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