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Cryopreservation or childbirth in years

Суть криоконсервации
Cryopreservation essence
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Sooner or later the question of reproduction rises before everyone. And the answer to this question in modern time can be very unexpected, considering global opening in the field of a biomaterial cryopreservation. So to connect the ovum which today is quite really frozen a certain number of years back to a necessary spermatozoon by EKO. At the same time the owner of an ovum, or substitute mother can bear a fruit.
Процедура криоконсервации
Procedure of a cryopreservation
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The procedure of a cryopreservation looks so: ova place in liquid nitrogen which temperature reaches minus of 196 degrees Celsius. At such temperature all biological processes stop and cells can be stored not one decade, and afterwards successfully be applied to fertilization.
Метод медленной криоконсервации
Method of a slow cryopreservation
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In the recent past the method of a slow cryopreservation was actively put, however into practice it did not show high performance. It is much more difficult to freeze ova, than embryos and spermatozoa. It is connected with the fact that the ovum rather large and is filled with liquid. When freezing and defrosting on it ice kristallik which can damage a cover are formed and injure cell elements.
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Vitrification – the method of bystry freezing – succeeded a slow cryopreservation. An important point is removal of unnecessary liquid here. By means of a method of a vitrification about 70-80% of ova are frozen, and the frequency of approach of pregnancy in the EKO programs with use of these ova reaches 65%.
Показания к криоконсервации
Indications to a cryopreservation
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First of all the cryopreservation is shown on medical indications. First, it the oncological diseases meaning prolonged treatment of a himiopreparatama after which at the woman blackout of hormonal function is quite possible. Also recommend a cryopreservation to women who according to indications need to delete ovaries. In these cases of a frost of ova gives the chance to the woman in the future to become happy mother.
Социальные причины криоконсервации
Social reasons of a cryopreservation
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In addition to physical health, quite often women resort to a method of a cryopreservation and for the social reasons. For example, when the woman at first prefers to construct career and to provide herself financially but only afterwards to give birth to the child. Or in case near the woman there is no man with whom she would prefer to bring the child.
Возрастные ограничения
Age restrictions
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Control age when follows or, on the contrary, it is not recommended to carry out a cryopreservation does not exist. Theoretically the vitrification is carried out to the period of a menstrual cycle, i.e. before a menopause. For the rest all very individually. At one women ability to a child-bearing vanishes in 35-40 years, and at others remains also in 50.
Наличие противопоказаний
Existence of contraindications
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Any strict contraindications to a cryopreservation do not exist, except unless, genetic pathologies. Ideally the woman who decided on a vitrification has to be healthy, lead the correct life and have a regular menstrual cycle. And here before the EKO program the woman should pass a number of inspection and to make tests for prevention of risks, связанныхс pregnancy development.
Банк мужских сперматозоидов
Bank of men's spermatozoa
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As for men's spermatozoa, their doctors learned to keep for a long time and to collect this valuable material significantly easier, than an ovum. The men's ejaculation does not depend on age and theoretically even the elderly man can freeze sperm at will. Whereas the ovum – a piece element and much more difficult gives in to freezing.
Показания к заморозке сперматозоидов
Indications to freezing of spermatozoa
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One of the main indications to freezing of reproductive material of the stronger sex is existence of oncological diseases. Also to men with reduced indicators on sperm recommend to stock up with this valuable material on the future. Before sperm delivery men should refuse in a week alcohol and smoking, and also for about ten days to refrain from campaigns in a bath or a sauna.
Есть ли разница?
Whether there is a difference?
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Observing as at the playground a great number of children play different games, hardly we think of that how many from them it was conceived in a test tube. Children are children – loud, disobedient, too mobile, but at the same time such lovely and ridiculous. Whether so there is a difference between those who appeared on this light in the natural way, and those who were conceived by means of EKO?
Мнения экспертов
Opinions of experts
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Opinions of experts are in this respect unambiguous. If for a vitrification the healthy ovum was used, then with future issue of problems should not arise. Thus, the kids conceived by means of EKO in most cases will cause a stir in nothing from the children conceived in the traditional way. Nevertheless, from exceptions nobody including the children conceived and born in the natural way is insured.
Немного фактов
It is a little facts
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The first pregnancy from cryotinned ova was tried in 1986 by the Australian scientists. Unfortunately, the experiment ended unsuccessfully. And only in 2002 the experiment was realized again that led to the birth of the healthy child. And in 2007 the first child conceived not only from the frozen ovum, but also from the frozen spermatozoon was given birth.


Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.