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Распространенные мифы о лекарствах

Many patients refuse some medicines. From what and why? How to overcome the fear? It is necessary it is for this purpose simple...

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Как облегчить симптомы токсикоза

As a rule, toxicosis independently passes by 15-20 week of pregnancy., It seems, it is possible and to suffer, but whether costs a half беременн...

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15 правил приготовления коктейлей

There come New Year's holidays – it is just a high time to learn the main rules of preparation of various cocktails and to apply them in life....

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Дары моря: виды, польза и вред красной икры

Red caviar – one of the most widespread delicacies, indispensable attribute of a holiday table. It has not only matchless вк...

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15 мифов о раке

Cancer – the serious illness needing timely diagnosis and effective treatment. And, treatment has to be performed опытн...

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Распространенные осложнения при беременности

Some women during pregnancy suffer from small problems with health, but only some have serious complications...

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Работающие методы борьбы со стрессом

East wisdom to say that health is a flexibility of a backbone ability to relax. Here about relaxation science we now and py...

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Что должно быть в аптечке у нворожденного

You became a mother? Congratulations! You should not explain that care of the baby is a difficult and laborious process. What medicines have to...

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Польза грудного вскармливания для матери и ребенка

All mothers aim to give to the child the best, and first of all it is feeding by a breast. Breastfeeding provides...

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Какой спорт выбрать для ребенка

The sport is health, and also – the hard work which is quite often accompanied with injuries and efforts on return of the lost health. At it is put...

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Советы для будущих отцов

That how to behave to the woman during pregnancy, is told much. But future father participated in process too, and too...

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Разоблачаем мифы о сжигании жира

Many women and men dream of a slim figure. But at the same time very few people decide on drastic measures, finding various excuses. On...

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Причины аменореи

Amenorrhea is called long (for half a year and more) lack of periods. What types of an amenorrhea happen and with what reasons...

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Лечебные свойства пищевой соды

It is impossible to imagine the hostess who has the house no baking soda. In kitchen it is simply irreplaceable. It is used at preparation...

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Отслойка сетчатки глаза: симптомы и лечение

Amotio of a retina threatens sight and is one of the most serious pathologies of an eye. What reasons cause this disease...

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Увеличение груди: за и против

You dream to increase the breast size? Why is also not present, it is beautiful! However before laying down under the surgeon's scalpel, weigh everything плю...

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Лучшие народные средства при простуде

If you felt approach of cold, do not hurry to grab medicines. If ordinary cold all we lie...

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Укрепляем ногти: 15 проверенных методов

Fragile and soft nails need care and leaving. It is necessary to eat and feed up properly nails useful and reliable tools...

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Диета для спортсменов: как набрать мышечную массу

Many athletes dream to make the bicepses even more strong, and the press – is firmer. What products need to be used for this purpose, and on...

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Определяем болезни по языку

To save time and in time regular survey of own language will help to see a doctor....

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