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Я работаю или как найти время на семью

Family and work – two spheres in human life which are difficult for combining, but are necessary. Several councils how to do it more э...

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Секреты окрашивания волос

When coloring hair it is necessary to know some secrets helping to create the new concerning image and at the same time to preserve health of ringlets....

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Полезные свойства орехов

Perhaps, there is no such person who would not love nuts. And whether you what benefit they bring to an organism know? We suggest to examine...

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Почему стоит отправиться в путешествие

Never traveled? You are afraid or do not see sense? Learn the main reasons for which you should immediately beginning to pack than...

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Плюсы домашнего питания

Today it is popular to eat outdoors and many traditions connected with cooking consign to the past. But there are good reasons вспо...

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Когда диета неуместна

Diets in certain cases can be useful and are even appointed doctors. But when restrictions in food are inappropriate and to whom they and the Second World War...

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А какую воду пью я?

Clear water should not have either taste, or a smell, but sometimes in it a certain smack is felt. How to distinguish signs of pollution and to learn...

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Рябина красная - рябина полезная

You plan to strengthen health? You do not hurry to buy synthetic drugs, get acquainted with surprising properties of a mountain ash red....

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10 ошибок в общении с мужчиной

If you liked the man, and you count on continuation of the relations, never make the following 10 mistakes....

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Что добавить в косметичку

In a cosmetics bag of each woman a great lot of the necessary and useful things, however, any arsenal can always be filled up. What tools apply...

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Я самая красивая или как полюбить себя

If to learn to love itself, then and for people around your beauty will not raise doubts. But as to make it how to force itself a pover...

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Какие продукты мешают похудеть

You eat a little, but it is impossible to lose weight? Check whether there are in your diet no products preventing weight loss....

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Лечебные свойства чая каркаде

Karkade, the Hibiscus, the Sudanese rose – all this names of one plant which is collected on plantations of Sudan and Egypt and use in...

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Праздник на носу? Как привести себя в форму

That at the responsible moment to look for all 100% and to enjoy reflection in a mirror, find time for the correct procedures in salon...

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10 причин начать работать на себя

Bothered to sit at office for days on end, but you do not decide to begin to work for yourself? We give 10 reasons which will help you to make перв...

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Депрессия: плохое настроение или...диагноз

As often we speak: "I have a depression". And whether so it actually? Let's find out what is it, a disease, or it is just bad настр...

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12 мифов об уходе за кожей

You want to learn that the leading dermatologists think of widespread rules of care of skin? We present to yours 12 utver...

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6 модных диагнозов

Made you the diagnosis and appointed the corresponding treatment. And you are sure that such diagnosis in general exists? It is given рейтин below...

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Причины женского одиночества

Psychologists specified several reasons for which women, even having beautiful appearance and good character, cannot find to themselves the joint venture...

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Альтернативная медицина: что выбрать

Each person at least once thought of resorting to methods of alternative medicine. But how to understand to whom that is necessary...

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