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Всегда ли молчание золото?

Ancient wisdom says that "words – silver, and silence – gold". But in what situations silence becomes dangerous and why?...

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Рыба: витамины, польза, вред

Many people do not love fish dishes, including their boring and tasteless. However if to understand all advantage of fish, then the opinion is possible...

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Влияет ли обувь на здоровье человека

The numerous researches conducted at different times showed that shoes which we wear exert direct impact on...

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Разнообразие бобовых культур

Bean – one of the biggest families dicotyledonous which is widespread on all globe. Bean look and as tiny р...

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7 женских предрассудков о мужчинах

To some women prevent to make family happiness own prejudices. We bring seven the most widespread of them....

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Масло жожоба: полезные свойства и применение

Today very few people doubt advantage of essential oils. Oil jojoba is considered one of the most useful oils and is effective пр...

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Польза тыквенных семечек

Seeds of pumpkin are a simple and available product and many just do not guess how useful they can be. Learn about э...

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Полезные свойства ромашки лекарственной

Camomile medicinal – very useful plant which blossoms in the summer. Already long ago on the basis of a camomile prepare various drugs...

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10 мужских причин для расставания

Men are changeable and rush about in search of an ideal? Learn that they speak about the parting reasons with women....

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Как стать вегетарианцем

Many consider that to become the vegetarian, it is rather simple to stop using meat. However everything is not so simple. As it is correct...

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Полезные свойства специй

From antiquity people widely use various spices in cooking. In addition to improvement of tastes of dishes, spices have that...

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Полезные и вредные продукты для крови

Blood – the main liquid of an organism circulating on blood vessels. Blood consists of plasma, thrombocytes, leukocytes and an eritrotsa...

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Вся правда о целлюлите

This word, scary for each woman, – cellulitis how many experiences are connected with it! Learn all truth about this artful enemy женско...

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Криоконсервация или роды через годы

From where children undertake? Earlier on this question there was an answer one. But with development of reproductive medicine today that became a reality, Thursday...

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Почему стоит купить мультиварку

Crock-pots appeared not so long ago, but already managed to gain love and trust of consumers. Learn why these smart devices to a zasl...

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Виды чая и его полезные свойства

Types of teas exists much. It can be fermented or semi-fermented, white, red, black, green, and also are yellow...

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Какую девушку быстрее позовут замуж?

What girl the man, having been going to marry, will prefer to see near himself all life? About it our slideshow....

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Плюсы и минусы шоколадного обертывания

There is no such woman who would not hear about a chocolate wrapping, and especially would not wish to try it. About pluses and minuses эт...

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Боли в кишечнике: что делать

The syndrome of the angry intestines is the most common cause of pain in intestines. At SRK interiors begin "to revolt"...

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Как добиться успеха

Why some people, having, apparently, everything for success, cannot reach it in any way? Perhaps, they should listen to the following р...

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