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Useful and harmful products for blood

Функции крови
Blood functions
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It is possible to tell that blood is a vehicle for oxygen, products of exchange and various nutrients. In addition to transport function blood is responsible for maintenance of optimum body temperature and water-salt balance in an organism. Amounts of blood in the man's organism – 5 liters, in the woman's organism – 4 liters.
Полезные продукты для крови - печень
Useful products for blood - a liver
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The liver is an irreplaceable source of iron, and its deficit can lead to an anemia and reduced level of hemoglobin. Also shortage of iron causes such disease as an iron deficiency anemia. In addition, the liver contains heparin – substance, important for blood, which serves as prevention against myocardial infarctions and thromboses.
Полезные продукты для крови - рыба
Useful products for blood - fish
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Fat fish – an important product for prevention of cardiovascular system. Exactly thanks to fish in the countries where she is the main source of food, such diseases as coronary insufficiency, an ischemic heart disease, heart attacks are much less often observed. Fish contains fats which control cholesterol level in blood and level of sugar. Thanks to the taurine which is contained in fish blood pressure is normalized.
Полезные продукты для крови - капуста
Useful products for blood - cabbage
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The white cabbage and broccoli are rich with folic acid thanks to which there is a synthesis of blood cells. There is at cabbage also a vitamin K which is responsible for coagulability of blood. And thanks to the vitamin P which is contained in broccoli and a white cabbage there is a strengthening of walls of vessels.
Полезные продукты для крови - цитрусовые
Useful products for blood - a citrus
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At a citrus in a large number there is a vitamin C which helps an organism to acquire iron. Cellulose in a citrus fights against cholesterol, and vitamin A and organic acids normalize sugar level in blood.
Полезные продукты для крови - яблоки
Useful products for blood - apples
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Apples – useful fruit not only for blood, but also for all organism. Apples contain pectin which regulates sugar level in blood and connects harmful cholesterol in an organism. It is necessary to eat at least one apple a day.
Полезные продукты для крови - орехи
Useful products for blood - nuts
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Thanks to rich structure nuts are an irreplaceable product for blood. They contain such necessary components of food as potassium, iron, magnesium, fats, and also vitamins A, In and Page.
Полезные продукты для крови - авокадо
Useful products for blood - avocado
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Avocado connects excess cholesterol therefore it is useful to use it for improvement of circulation and a condition of blood. The substances which are contained in avocado contribute to normalization of blood circulation and a hemopoiesis.
Полезные продукты для крови - гранат
Useful products for blood - garnet
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Garnet in a large number contains iron therefore it is one of the main fruit which doctors appoint to patients at an iron deficiency anemia. In addition, garnet is useful to deactivation of excess cholesterol.
Полезные продукты для крови - свекла
Useful products for blood - beet
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Beet - natural hemopoietic means. Its use strengthens walls of blood vessels and promotes formation of erythrocytes. It is good to combine beet with carrots, a tomato and cabbage.
Вредные продукты для печени - жиры
Harmful products for a liver - fats
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The excessive use of fats causes calcium blocking, and it is necessary for maintenance of osmosis in blood and cellular balance. At fats there is a lot of harmful cholesterol. You should not be fond also of fried products as the substances which are contained in them cause change of composition of blood because of what disturbances in all organism are possible.
Вредные продукты - алкоголь и консерванты
Harmful products - alcohol and preservatives
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Under the influence of alcohol uniform elements of blood are exposed to dehydration and destruction owing to what blood ceases to perform the functions. Products with the content of preservatives form almost insoluble connections which blood cells cannot use for food in an organism. Organism intoxication harmful ballast substances results.
Общие рекомендации
General recommendations
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That the person was healthy and full of strength, quality of its blood is of great importance. The use big quantity of ferriferous products – the main recommendation for fight against anemia, and, therefore, with weakness and dizzinesses. For ensuring health of blood the thicket needs to walk also in the fresh air, enriched with oxygen. Excellent option are walks on the sea coast or in a pinery.


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The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.