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Что нужно знать об астме

About 10% of the population of Earth long for some calculations asthma. It is huge figure and every year it continues to increase. In...

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Рейтинг самых странных методов похудения

Some to lose weight, go to gym, some go on a diet, and some use also other methods. What, ask...

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10 причин для завтрака

If you belong to that category of people that can miss easily a breakfast, study the following information, and it is possible you...

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Мой ребенок гиперактивен

What does the hyperactivity join in a concept? When parents have to pay attention to features of behavior of the child? And whether it is possible...

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Как пройти собеседование, чтобы получить работу

Quite often there is too much applicants for one workplace, and you would like that chose you from a large number of applicants....

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Что делает женщину обаятельной и загадочной

Some women, without having ideal appearance, are capable to fascinate and get to fall in love practically any man. As they manage wasps...

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Как распознать инсульт

Stroke – the life-threatening disturbance of blood circulation of a brain causing death of its fabrics owing to a lack of food. Among all not...

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Женщины и алкоголь

According to experts it is very easy to cross the border between moderate alcohol intake and pathological. Especially risk in given in...

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Самые распространенные женские заболевания

The woman – first of all the loving wife and careful mother. But here sometimes, worrying about the relatives, she absolutely forgets about actually...

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Советы по выбору школьного ранца

The right choice of a schoolbag will allow the child to keep a bearing. Therefore parents should consider several important points, on a cat...

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Какие привычки опасны для сосудов и сердца

Not the first year cardiovascular diseases are in the lead in the world on extent of distribution and death rate. Nevertheless, all...

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Методы борьбы с укачиванием

Tendency to a motion desease can fairly impair a little a trip to the resort, the dacha or a fascinating sea cruise. How to fight against a motion desease?...

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С ленью по жизни!

It appears, to be lazy sometimes not only not harmfully, but also it is very useful. If to learn to save the vital energy, then the shooter bio...

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Как накормить ребенка?

Many parents worry that their children badly eat. There are, of course, also such kids at whom problems with appetite do not happen, but it not...

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Мальчик или девочка: кто умнее?

Naturally, both boys, and girls are clever. But why boys learn to read and write worse, and girls study at school better, and then I hand over...

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Косметология или пластика: что предпочесть?

To cut or not to cut? This question interests many. Choosing between the plastic surgeon and the cosmetologist, it is important to understand as far as эф...

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Плюсы и минусы поздней беременности

In our country women after 28 years are considered as pozdnorodyashchy. And here around the world there is a process of moving of first labor on later...

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7 шагов к элегантности

You want to pay the woman a compliment? Tell it that it is very elegant. But what joins in this concept and how to reach elegance in...

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Помогите ребенку стать счастливым

Parents make the mass of efforts, providing to the child the happy childhood. Psychologists decided to facilitate this task, having formulated...

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Как защитить ребенка от микробов

Parents try to make the house safe and carefully watch purity. How to protect the child from microbes on what to turn special вн...

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