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Мифы о похмельном синдроме

Whether you had to hear about such phenomenon how a hangover? What myths go about this state? Examine with twelve most распр...

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9 reasons for refusal of fast food
9 причин для отказа от фаст-фуда

Advertizing of fast food convinces us that it is very tasty, and, at the same time, we often hear about harm of such food. Whether exist about...

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Stress. What do we know about it?
Стресс. Что мы о нем знаем?

All of us have a stress from time to time. What reasons of this state and what will help to avoid its negative effects?...

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Step-by-step make-up of lips
Пошаговый макияж губ

In an ideal make-up each stroke is important. Especially if to place emphasis in the eyes or lips. As it is correct to execute a make-up of lips which...

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At what diseases fruit and berries are useful?
При каких заболеваниях полезны фрукты и ягоды?

If you want to restore the health, do not think that only medicines can help with it. Many fruit and berries render too...

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7 причин для начала занятий физкультурой

Exercises are very useful to our health. There are at least seven reasons for which it is worth beginning to be engaged in physical...

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Лечимся при помощи овощей

There was a time when there were no usual drugs in our understanding and people were treated by the fact that they grew up on the kitchen garden. As vegetable...

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15 способов мотивировать себя к тренировкам

Time of another training came, and you do not want to start occupations at all? It sometimes happens, however is a little with...

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Everything that it is necessary to know about plastic surgery
Все, что нужно знать о пластической хирургии

The esthetic medicine develops promptly therefore it is important to be able to understand all variety provided on today's d...

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The rating of the diets approved by science
Рейтинг диет, одобренных наукой

The more people have excess weight, the more methods are thought out for fight against it. Unfortunately, today does not exist...

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Убираем рубцы и шрамы

Hems and scars after injuries, operations and illiterately carried out cosmetic procedures remain for many years and can significantly подпо...

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10 councils for sight preservation
10 советов по сохранению зрения

In our century of computers of an eye began to receive strong loading more and more people complain of deterioration in sight even at young age....

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Правильное питание: распространенные мифы

The wrong menu – the most widespread mistake of modern society. And it is interesting to you to learn about how to eat properly? Predla...

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10 способов побороть весенний авитаминоз

There was a weakness, there does not pass the fatigue, there is no desire to perform usual work? On the person all symptoms of spring avitaminosis! There is a N...

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Why we are tired?
Почему мы устаем?

We got used to write off breakdown for shortage of vitamins B an organism. And it is valid, quite often we too are tired because of avitaminosis, but...

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Маски одной болезни: щитовидная железа

Constant feeling sick, problems with a stomach, eternal colds … And it is so infinite. It seems, there are no special symptoms, but also healthy ва...

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Balanced diet. What needs to be known?
Сбалансированный рацион. Что нужно знать?

It is very important to eat properly. Our health and our beauty depends on it. In culture of healthy nutrition there are rules, at...

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Плоскостопие у ребенка: что делать?

Flat-footedness – this disease is known to all. Unfortunately, most of parents do not pay it due attention, considering that it is rather...

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Какие продукты способствуют сжиганию жира?

Excess content of fat in an organism harms not only a figure, but also health. People with the slowed-down metabolism have this problem tolite...

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Все, что нужно знать о соках

Whether everything juice is useful? In what quantity they can be drunk and than they help an organism? Information on this subject will help correctly п...

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