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Красота, молодость и...аппаратная косметология

The hardware cosmetology represents a painless way for rejuvenation of skin and elimination of various defects without хирургическо...

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Main errors of food
Главные ошибки питания

The biggest enemy of women is a hunger, fighting against it, in few days it is possible to spoil a figure and to turn the slender girl in is small...

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10 different ways of a hardening
10 разных способов закаливания

Health of the modern person leaves much to be desired. Even more often we are overcome by the catarrhal diseases, viruses, diseases connected with...

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15 привычек, вредных для кожи

Each girl tries to look beautiful and to be pleasant not only herself, but also people around. Up to 25 years us the nature does fine, and...

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Allergy. Types, symptoms, treatment
Аллергия. Виды, симптомы, лечение

The allergy is so widespread in modern society that often there is a thought as if it can appear on anything. Отч...

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12 советов для гипертоников

Hypertension – a widespread disease today. Its essence consists in increase in arterial pressure (tonometer indicators п...

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11 способов побороть тягу к курению

Nicotine – drug! Some smokers do not agree with such formulation. They claim that they will be able to leave off smoking at any time....

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The main mistakes in care of hair
Основные ошибки в уходе за волосами

Natural decoration of any person are beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair. Can only provide beauty and health of hair п...

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14 шагов на пути к гармонии

In what conditions we would not live, to all of us is what to aim at. We can always make the life better, it is necessary it only very much with...

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Уход за кожей разных типов

Skin – one of important human organs. It protects fabrics and bodies from direct aggressive influence of the environment, counter...

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Правила чаепития

One of the most widespread and many favourite drinks is tea. Some of its versions perfectly satisfy thirst, sposobstvo...

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8 most effective stomach exercises
8 самых эффективных упражнений для пресса

To achieve a beautiful figure and at the same time it is possible not to allow skin obvisaniye only thanks to intensive exercise stresses. If you do not have...

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Выбираем ребенку игрушки

All know that the child develops by means of a game. Therefore the choice of toys for the kid – business very responsible to approach to a cat...

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ТОП-10 полезных фруктов

It is known that all fruit bear huge advantage for an organism. They contain the mass of the vitamins and microelements capable to strengthen...

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Секреты красоты и здоровья

Beauty – the terrible strength which is given not all women by nature. To look always attractive and well-groomed, необх...

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ТОП-10 средств борьбы с целлюлитом

The change of structure of a hypodermic fatty tissue breaking microcirculation and outflow of a lymph, conducting to developments of stagnation in fatty it is woven...

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Полезные привычки для мужчин

To be a handsome and attractive man – a difficult task, however it is necessary to try really if you want to be pleasant not...

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Антивозрастные средства по уходу за кожей

Desire to deceive own age and to look fresh and is attractively peculiar practically to all women irrespective of family...

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10 полезных привычек для здоровья

It is no secret that it is impossible to find identical people who would be similar externally or internally in our world. However there are 2 features...

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Means of hygiene and cosmetics for kids
Средства гигиены и косметика для малышей

Cosmetics and means of hygiene for kids have to be hypoallergenic, contain the minimum quantity of preservatives and others sintet...

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