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The territory of genes or to whom it will be similar?
Территория генов или на кого он будет похож?

Whether you when you expected a baby what he will have eyes – father's or mother's thought? And ears and hair? Whether exists in general some...

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Ароматы для дома: опасность и альтернатива

Various air fresheners save from unpleasant air. The zilch – and in your house smells of aroma of a citrus, and in the car hearing...

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Главные формулы движения

If you harmonious and thin, then it does not mean at all that it is not necessary to move much. Depends on our activity not only физическ...

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Повышаем уровень эндорфинов

Endorphines are hormones of happiness. In our organism there are special receptors which control our attitude in real...

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Отеки ног: причины и лечение

There is a mass of the reasons for which legs can swell. This phenomenon is connected with unpleasant symptoms, and I demand hypostases of any character...

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At what diseases grapes are useful?
При каких болезнях полезен виноград?

Grapes are rich with substances, important for human health, – microelements and vitamins, cellulose and proteins. Thanking it...

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Отдых на море: куда поехать?

Most of people do not imagine summer without trip at the sea. And they are absolutely right. The sea – the unique natural doctor, which N...

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We choose sweets
Выбираем сладости

Sweet is loved by all – men, women and children. Sugar contains carbohydrates which the brain therefore they shall at needs...

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15 масок для красоты волос

That hair pleased us with the beauty it is regularly necessary to indulge them various masks. Masks happen strengthening, feeding, увлаж...

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Separate food: advantages and shortcomings
Раздельное питание: преимущества и недостатки

Since there was a theory of separate food, around it constant disputes erupt. One are sure that this method is...

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8 этапов подготовки к рождению малыша

There is the ninth month of pregnancy. Trip to maternity hospital not far off. What needs to be prepared during this time that on arrival from maternity hospital zany...

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О чем молчат мужчины? Факты о простатите

Each man can face a problem of prostatitis. The majority is not even suspected about existence of an inflammation of a prostate...

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О пользе и вреде солнечного загара

In anticipation of a beach season seldom what woman did not think of advantage and harm of solar suntan. This subject concerns even men, on...

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7 useful drinks in the winter
7 полезных напитков зимой

As well to come home from a frost in the winter and at once to prepare for itself a cup of warm tea or the warming grog. In winter time согревающ...

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How color influences mood of the person?
Как цвет влияет на настроение человека?

Influence of color on mood of the person is proved from the point of view of science. The conducted researches in this area established that red with...

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To men: how to gather in a beer stomach?
Мужчинам: как убрать пивной живот?

Not only women dream of the beautiful and tightened body. Men also have problem places. Most of men, as a rule, беспок...

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Variety of fermented milk products
Разнообразие кисломолочных продуктов

There is a lot of fermented milk products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, etc. Many people got used to give them identical properties, considering that all эт...

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ВСД: как избежать приступа?

Recently you feel dickey? At you the fingers are all thumbs, you are angry, and blame for all troubles magnetic бу...

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ТОП-10 продуктов для здоровья зубов

The beautiful smile is considered one of conditions of attractive appearance, and the beautiful smile is healthy teeth. What products can in э...

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Эпидуральная анестезия: оправдан ли риск?

In what feature of epidural anesthesia as this type of anesthesia which its advantages and shortcomings and why in on is carried out...

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