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VSD: how to avoid an attack?

Что такое вегето-сосудистая дистония?
What is vegeto-vascular dystonia?
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And hearts manage work of internals, vessels nerves which are called vegegtativny. These nerves help an organism to react to any changes correctly: jumps of temperature, pressure and humidity, stress, etc. Also vegetative system controls a dream, body temperature and a metabolism. Disturbance of its work leads to the vegeto-vascular dystonia (VVD). Toxicosis, gastritis, neurosises become a push to VSD.
Признаки вегето-сосудистой дистонии
Symptoms of vegeto-vascular dystonia
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At VSD the main symptoms are: headaches during a weather changing, impossibility to concentrate, a memory impairment, constant fatigue, or, on the contrary, hyperactivity, fluctuations of arterial pressure, an asthma, increase or fall of temperature of a body, throwing in heat or cold.
Чем опасна ВСД?
What is VSD dangerous by?
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Insignificant disturbances can take place in work of vegeto-vascular system and independently. But the main danger of VSD is that perhaps strong disturbance or an attack which on signs can easily be confused with heart attack. There is a sharp heartache, strong weakness, a fever. At the person extremities grow cold, he is overcome by fear and alarm, arterial pressure rises.
Будьте внимательнее к себе
Be more attentive to itself
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Not to allow attacks, you watch closely the state. If you bend and feel how blood sharply flows to a neck and the head, the head is turned, there is nausea it means that it is necessary to go to hospital and to undergo inspection. One more sign of VSD is sharp deterioration in mood indoors with bright lighting.
Начинайте и заканчивайте день водой
Begin and finish day with water
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The daily alternating douche will help to cure not too started VSD in the morning. During acceptance of a shower it is not necessary to reduce gradually water temperature, and just at the end of ablution it is necessary to be thrown cold water with the head. You do not hurry to be wiped by a towel, at first feel inflow of cheerfulness and as to skin flows heat. And in the evening the salt or pine needle bath will be useful.
Приобретите шагомер
Get a pedometer
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You watch that you had a sufficient exercise stress, you spend in the fresh air more time. At observance of these simple rules your health quickly will begin to improve. Elementary walking on foot will be the most useful type of activity. Get to yourself a pedometer and you pass daily not less than 5 km (about 12 thousand steps).
Учитесь расслабляться!
Learn to relax!
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Master a medical technique of self-checking and self-control: yoga or auto-training. If you have no time to be engaged in it, find to yourself occupation which will calm you and to weaken. For example, take a heat bath, lie down in it and think about pleasant, or lie down on a bed and dream. During such rest it is useful to take deep breaths and slow exhalations.
Больше спите
You sleep more
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Do not cut down the dream at all. At night your organism not only recovers forces dissipated in a day, but also carries out thin "setup" of all links of your nervous system. Therefore you watch that your dream was full and long. Despite of everything!
Виды приступов ВСД
Types of attacks of VSD
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Attacks of vegeto-vascular dystonia happen two types: panic attack and breakdown. During the panic attack temperature and pressure increases, pupils extend, in a mouth dryness is felt, skin turns pale. At the same time the shiver can beat the person and smother strong alarm. Such attack can be long and proceed several hours. At breakdown pressure decreases, heart begins to fight less often, pulls the person in a dream.
Как справиться с приступом?
How to cope with an attack?
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During any attack it is necessary to provide the maximum rest. Any bright light and strong noise. It is necessary to stop various quarrels at once, all conflicts should be "rumpled". It is the best of all for patient to go to a bed, and to close the room curtains. It is necessary to accept some calmative – Tinctura Valerianae, a peony, cordial drops.
Если приступ не проходит?
If the attack does not pass?
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If the attack does not pass a long time, it is the best of all to call "ambulance". Will prescribe the patient the medicines influencing a vascular tone, reducing excitability, improving cerebral circulation. Afterwards the doctor can advise treatment by ultrasound, medical souls, massage, laser therapy, acupuncture, radonic or oxygen bathtubs. All these procedures are very effective provided that you will complete a full course of treatment.


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There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.