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Самые полезные овощи

Fresh vegetables – an integral part of healthy food of the person, they are necessary in a diet as a source of vitamins, minerals, a mikroelema...

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Самые полезные продукты для детей

All parents ask a question: what products for their child the most useful? In spite of the fact that all children very different, at all the...

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Рейтинг натуральных масок для лица

Fine way it is good to moisten the skin of a face pack which are correctly picked up for type from natural products, deeply to clear and быс...

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Вредные продукты

Food stuffs are necessary for an organism for compensation of a metabolic cost, updating and growth of fabrics, regulation of the main functions. E...

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Декоративная косметика: польза или вред?

Decorative cosmetics is some kind of clothes for the person by means of which it is possible to hide shortcomings and defects, to stylize a face, on...

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Питание при ожирении: на что обратить внимание

Excess adjournment of fats in body tissues, especially in hypodermic cellulose, as a result of disbolism is called ожирен...

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Идеальная диета - какая она?

The ideal diet is not a set of products which will lead to desirable weight reduction, and the organization of the process of food and image...

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Самые распространенные ошибки питания

When there are problems with health or reflection in a mirror ceases to please before asking for the help the doctor, follows...

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Как бороться с подростковыми прыщами?

Teenage spots are shown differently that depends not only on skin type, but also on a set of other factors. In certain cases...

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Рейтинг полезных напитков от диетологов

Let's consider the TOP of the most useful drinks which daily use is necessary for maintenance and recovery normal...

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Боремся с трещинами на пятках

The discomfort when walking time can cause not only strong fatigue, but also undesirable emotional pressure. If it is connected...

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Режим питания – это важно

Diet – time of meal and its number, distribution of the daily menu on energy value, a set of products, химическо...

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10 правил здорового питания

Healthy food – a basis of normal life activity of the person. Rules of healthy food will help to make a diet, taking into account personal...

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