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10 народных методов борьбы с фурункулезом

Furunculosis – very unpleasant disease which is capable to cause many troubles. In addition to pain, a toast furunculosis...

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Не можете уснуть? 15 советов в помощь

Daily our organism is exposed to a set of stresses. Every day the person впечатл is sated with various events, and, especially if you...

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Чем опасна гипотония и как с ней бороться?

There are many people hypotensives. Nevertheless, given to a subject is much less urgent, than a hypertension. Why? As a rule, considering...

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TOP-10 useful grain
ТОП-10 полезных круп

Grain – the real well of useful substances and energy. Porridges from various grain during the winter period as thanks to слож are especially useful...

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Самые распространенные детские болезни

Now we will talk about the most widespread diseases with which the small child can get sick. For parents this information бу...

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How caffeine influences health?
Как кофеин влияет на здоровье?

"Black gold" it is accepted to call oil, but coffee is on the second place after gasoline on the economic importance and therefore can разд...

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9 способов соблюсти чистоту и личную гигиену

Thirst for purity has to be present at each person. Observing purity, we keep the advantage and we cause sympathy in people...

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10 factors adding age
10 факторов, прибавляющих возраст

When the woman looks much younger - it is always a compliment in her address, but also the return phenomenon – the woman, выгля sometimes meets...

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12 способов занять ребенка

Communication with the child is not the only duty of parents though most of children think differently. It is necessary to be in time поработ...

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Самые распространенные офисные болезни

To work at office it is very prestigious, such employment has negative sides. It is possible to distinguish a little from them for...

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15 ошибок в макияже невесты

In the wedding day views all people around are directed to the bride therefore for her it is especially important to look the most beautiful and it is attractive...

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Care of skin in the winter
Уход за кожей зимой

In the winter dry frosty air and cold dehydrate our skin. It becomes rough, cell renewal is slowed down, lost are fresh...

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Как внести в свою жизнь больше позитива?

It seems to much that to add a little positive to the life very difficult. But they are wrong. Actually there is a set of ways....

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Какие болезни нас подстерегают летом?

Each disease, as well as weather, has the season. In the summer because of high temperature immunity decreases therefore the risk is high to ache разл...

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15 способов обмануть аппетит

Each person aiming at weight reduction perfectly understands what without restrictions of it not to reach. And the first in what it is necessary itself...

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Whether the child should pierce ears?
Стоит ли прокалывать уши ребенку?

Now it is often possible to see absolutely small child with the punctured ears. What mothers are guided by, piercing with the daughter ears in...

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How quickly to recover forces?
Как быстро восстановить силы?

The fatigue pulled hard as if the heavy burden, and does not allow to work and have a rest fully? It is necessary to make urgent work, to be ready to важн...

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Incorrect opinions on cold
Неверные мнения о простуде

In cold weather the human body is exposed to catarrhal diseases. Especially it is in danger there are those who often are in are crowded...

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What has to lie in the ideal first-aid kit?
Что должно лежать в идеальной аптечке?

The first-aid kit – absolutely necessary thing in each house. Quite often in house conditions there are home accidents when the m is required urgent...

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As we are treated by plants
Как нас лечат растения

The medical force of plants is known since ancient times. People with their help cured different illnesses and strengthened health. Whether it is possible to trust тр today...

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