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Заботимся о здоровье глаз

It is unlikely people need to explain that eyes in our life mean. About 80% of all information obtained by the person come through bodies...

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Как мужчинам ухаживать за кожей?

All know as women think much of the appearance how many forces and means they spend in personal care. And what men?...

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Осторожно: тромб!

Statistically, every fourth inhabitant of the planet can suffer from blood clot. But the statistics can become more optimistical, about pova...

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Аденоиды: удалять или оставить?

The child has adenoides and the doctor suggests to remove them? What to do: to agree to operation or not? The choice depends on many reasons. Сейч...

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Как предотвратить варикоз?

Varicosity – a widespread problem, especially at a female. Every fifth woman risks to obtain varicosity to 40 го...

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7 ошибок в тренажерном зале

The beginners who are going to become frequenters of gyms need to know about several widespread mistakes which are made...

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Гомеопатия: помощь или шарлатанство?

The homeopathy is at the peak of popularity today. More and more people begin to trust nonconventional methods of treatment. Really l...

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Как достичь гармонии в браке?

All married couples dream of harmony in marriage. But how to reach it? What steps will help to build up correctly the relationship and to do life...

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Сердечная арифметика

Many of us have heart troubles, and it is that motor which has to be always in good shape. That everyone persons...

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Управление гневом

When something pleases us not, we can be angry and irritated, and sometimes and we show aggression., It seems, such feelings вполн...

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10 трудновыполнимых советов для здоровья

Useful advice helps us to improve a condition of the health. But often it is quite difficult to follow them. What ten councils вызыв...

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Основные принципы при занятиях спортом

To achieve good results at sports activities, it is necessary to follow several important principles. Their observance will allow to make...

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Что делать при первых признаках простуды?

If to struggle with cold at its first manifestations, then it is possible to influence its development, to reduce the term of a disease and force of its weight....

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Что делать при нарушениях сна?

The full-fledged dream helps the person to recover the forces. What to do if sleep disorders came to light? What they can be connected with?...

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Список проблем, волнующих сильный пол

It is considered to be what men of reasons for concern practically and do not have. Whether so it? About what can worry on...

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ТОП-10 продуктов, повышающих гемоглобин

At the low level of hemoglobin it is required to raise it. By means of what products it can be made?...

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Что поможет победить стресс?

How all to manage and to remain healthy at the same time? This question concerns the modern person because in a prompt rhythm of life каждог...

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Считать ли фобии заболеванием?

What is phobias? Many consider them inexplicable attacks of fear, and some the real disease with which it is necessary to struggle, исп...

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Мужчины: рассекречиваем тайны

Men do not like to speak about the feelings openly. In the business sphere linearity and enterprise whereas in personal are inherent in them...

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Как втянуться в работу после отпуска?

Oh, as it is heavy to be returned to work after issue … How not to become despondent here? Several useful tips, a cat are included below...

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