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When the diet is inappropriate

Диета диете рознь
Diet to a diet discord
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Not each diet is useful, and some can be even injurious to health. There are certain categories of people for which observance of a diet is not recommended: these are children, teenagers, pregnant women and the feeding women, and also people having chronic diseases. Why they should not adhere to any diets if only restrictions are not prescribed in food to them on medical indications?
Детский возраст
Children's age
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To children to limit food it is simply harmful as in that case their growing organism will receive less elements, necessary for full development. The diet can be prescribed kids only in the medical purposes and to be connected with an exception of the products causing, for example, an allergy or a digestive disturbance. At elimination of diseases, as a rule, lift limits in food of children.
Подростковый период
Teenage period
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During the teenage period it is also inexpedient to go on a diet because the organism continues to grow and form. At this age many teenagers are anxious with the outward and are inclined to abuse restrictions in food for achievement of treasured parameters of a figure. The long monodiets impoverishing an organism, depriving of its vitamins and minerals are especially dangerous. At illiterate following to a diet even dehydration is possible.
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Pregnancy – the special period in the woman's life when she can not worry on a figure. But here other danger is concealed. Some women in panic are afraid of a set of weight and therefore even during pregnancy risk to use diets. It is impossible to do it, the growing fruit needs many nutrients. Mother needs to remember that future health of her baby depends on her food. It is necessary to eat variously!
Кормление грудью
Feeding by a breast
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Many will not agree that during feeding by a breast it is not necessary to keep to a diet. And how products which for various reasons nursing mothers cannot eat? Here it is possible to object that the exception of junk food or food temporarily contraindicated, is not diet per se. These are just adjustments in food. In process of the child's growing the woman includes more and more dishes which she had to refuse to herself in a diet.
Хронические заболевания
Chronic diseases
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There are chronic diseases for which there are specially developed diets: gastritis, ulcer, liver diseases etc. Each of them considers the nature of a disease and provides restrictions for each case. And here other diets, including modern, designed not to facilitate a condition of the patient, and we will tell, to promote weight loss, can do harm to already weakened organism.
Сбалансированный рацион
Balanced diet
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The balanced diet is a fine alternative to diets. It can be practiced both in children's, and in teenage age, during incubation of the child and feeding by his breast. It will not damage and to the people having chronic and any other diseases. Fresh, healthy and various food moreover and prepared with taste – an excellent opportunity to care for the health!


Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.