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How to increase quality of life

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Foot walks in the fresh air
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Let's fresh air influence your health more often. It is possible to make it, daily making evening walks, or going to days off to the country, is closer to the nature. It is possible to combine advantage for health with advantage for a figure, if to pass every day one and a half kilometers an amble, then it is possible to lose kilogram - another, without resorting to any diets. Spend 15-20 minutes a day, and you feel inflow of forces.
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Avoid excess disorders
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Of course, it is not simple to avoid disorders and alarms presently. Stresses trap us continually, but after all it is possible to fight back them, having applied one small cunning – prohibit themselves to be nervous on trifles. When you get into a difficult situation, tell yourself that this too insignificant incident and to you is a pity to spend for it the forces. Smile – and the smile will allow you to keep self-control and calm.
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Follow an example of Frenchwomen
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Much can learn from Frenchwomen. They are skillful in questions of love and know how to keep beauty and youth for many years. One of their secrets consists in the rule of three stings. Frenchwomen never refuse to themselves pleasure to regale on favourite dishes, are able to afford also cake and something more caloric, but having made three stings, they put viands aside and do not touch it more.
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It is more than cellulose in a diet
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Not everyone can brag that provides the organism with the necessary amount of cellulose. At best it will be a half of the put norm. Intestines suffer because of a lack of this important component, and there can be such disease as a colon cancer. Inclusion in the diet of the products rich with a cellulose, namely spinach, carrots, sweet pepper, whole grains will help to avoid a similar situation.
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Acquire a tan
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Thanks to the conducted researches connection between a sunlight and health of the person was established. It became clear that the lack of ultraviolet reduces serotonin level in a brain why there is a depression, lack of mood, apathy and the general deterioration in health. Solar bathtubs which will also become a source of the vitamin D necessary for digestion of calcium will help to improve situation.
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You watch quality of drinks
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It is excessive to remind that the person for 70% consists of water. Reviver is necessary to us not only for a thirst satisfying, but also for implementation of exchange processes in an organism. To our bodies not all the same that we drink, their working capacity depends on quality of postupayemy liquid. You should not abuse alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sweet aerated water. It is better to drink clear water, natural juice and herbal tea without sugar.
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You watch quantity of food
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Leading a healthy lifestyle, we adhere to the balanced diet and on teeth we know what products it is undesirable to eat. But it is in addition important to understand, as you should not eat the products allowed for the use in unlimited number, instead of advantage it will lead to an overeating and problems with health. Nutritionists advise to eat food often and in the small portions (it is better from small plates), slowly chewing it.
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Lead active lifestyle
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The best means from laziness and melancholy – activity! It can be dances, occupations yoga, campaigns to the pool, on a skating rink or riding – anything if only not to sit on site. The slow-moving way of life leads to depressions, stresses, extra kilos on a waist and, as consequence of all that, – to dissatisfaction with life. Please yourself and the body, alternate quiet rest to active, do not neglect morning exercises.
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You do not stint kisses
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Why lonely people are ill more often and live less? Yes because they are deprived of an opportunity to regularly increase endorphine level in blood which literally reads off scale when the man and the woman give each other a passionate kiss. Only 10 seconds of such pleasure and powerful inflow of "happiness hormone" is guaranteed to you. It will strengthen your immune system and will bring warmth, tenderness and sensuality in your relations.
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Paint the world around yourself!
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That everything did not look around is gray and is sad, add bright paints to the space surrounding you. It can be colourful knickknacks, motley pillows and covers, fashionable clothes of saturated iridescent flowers and many other things. It is possible even "to paint" the food, indulging itself yellow pepper, violet eggplants dishes, red tomatoes and fresh greens. Such food is not simply beautiful, it is vitamin-rich also valuable microelements.
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Pay attention to teeth
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For comfortable health it is important to have self-reliance. It is impossible if there are problems with teeth expressed in their not esthetic look and available an unpleasant smell from a mouth. Therefore you should not postpone a campaign to the stomatologist, it is better to solve all available problems immediately. Healthy teeth and pleasant breath will add a positive to your life, and you will be able to present with pleasure to people around the dazzling smile.
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Fall in love with milk
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Whether you know the beauty who was famous for the love to milk? She was called Cleopatra. She literally bathed in milk. Today it is possible to take milk pans too, but to fall in love with milk far more simply and to daily eat it. They can fill in muesli and it is obligatory to eat all dish without the rest. Useful substances from muesli pass into milk and, leaving it in a plate, you endow calcium and vitamin D.
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Be careful of avitaminosis
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Shortage of vitamins can lead to weakening of an organism, decrease in immunity, frequent diseases. In such state it is difficult to be happy therefore it is important not to allow development of avitaminosis, timely filling up an organism with elements necessary to it. In the summer fruit, vegetables and greens, and in the winter – special multivitamin complexes which reception needs to be coordinated with the attending physician previously will help with it.
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Arrange fasting days
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You need rest? Your organism too! He needs to have a rest periodically from work, and you can help with it, having arranged weekly fasting day. First it can seem quite difficult – the whole day to sit on water or fruit. But over time, when such practice will become usual, you will notice how in all body pleasant ease appears, the feeling of hunger becomes dull and you feel just perfectly.
Get enough sleep!
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If to conduct survey, then it will become clear that a good few of respondents regularly does not get enough sleep. From here stresses, irritability, memory easing, decrease in immunity, depressions and problems with health. In order to avoid emergence of the diagnosis – a chronic sleep debt, it is necessary to promise to go to bed every day for half an hour before usual. Having built the schedule, it is important to adhere to it and to sleep not less than seven-eight hours a day.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.