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Widespread myths about drugs

Антидепрессанты не помогают
Antidepressants do not help
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Antidepressants help, just the effect of them is shown not at once. Treatment of a depression – process long. Therefore whether it is worth expecting that antidepressants will help at once?
Как быть?
How to be?
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It is necessary just to stock up with patience. Preferential antidepressants give relief only on the third or fourth week of treatment. At first appetite and a dream are normalized, then the mood is lightened, uneasiness disappears. And only in the last turn taste is restored to life.
К антидепрессантам привыкаешь
You get used to antidepressants
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Earlier, really, and was. But modern achievements of medicine allow to create the drugs of new generation which are not causing accustoming. At the same time patients with a depression need effective treatment as it quite often accompanies other diseases.
Как быть?
How to be?
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It is necessary to begin treatment with antidepressants gradually and under careful control of the doctor. It is necessary to accept antidepressants till some months. It is not recommended to cancel them sharply also – only smoothly and too under control of the specialist.
Антибиотики вредны для иммунитета и микрофлоры
Antibiotics are harmful to immunity and microflora
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Modern antibiotics do not influence immunity is made and disturbances in work of intestines cause much less than their predecessors. And here antibiotics influence the furnace negatively, but not everyone. It is necessary to know that no more than a half of all antibiotic drugs negatively influence a liver.
Как быть?
How to be?
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It is necessary to be inspected at the specialist and to accept only those drugs which will be registered by the doctor. There are situations when it is impossible to refuse reception of antibiotics. For example, at quinsy, otitis, lymphadenitis, antritis, clamidiosis, pneumonia, abscesses. Only a timely antibioticotherapia helps to avoid many complications. And for prevention of side effects of antibiotics it is possible to accept vitamins and fermented milk products.
От женских гормонов толстеют
From women's hormones get fat
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This fear is almost not reasonable. For today drugs with the content of women's hormones which cause a weight increase much less often, than other hormonal drugs are applied to treatment of many gynecologic diseases. Side effects are characteristic generally of tablets of the previous generations, and today's – it is much safer.
Как быть?
How to be?
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You should not be afraid of women's hormones, but even if undesirable side effects and appear, it is necessary to see a doctor urgently. Now there is a wide range of medicines therefore to pick up similar medicine, but with the smaller number of side effects, does not represent work.
Женские гормоны повышают риск рака
Women's hormones increase risk of cancer
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As a rule, women of climacteric age which hormones are appointed to a long span are afraid to develop cancer. Into the account of the fact that women's hormones increase risk of cancer specialists have no unambiguous opinion. It is considered that at prolonged use the risk really increases. But long is longer than five years.
Как быть?
How to be?
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Before beginning to accept hormones, undergo careful inspection of an organism. The attending physician has to know about your state of health and about diseases which your relatives had. It is necessary for acceptance of the right decision.
Глюкокортикоиды вызывают побочные эффекты
Glucocorticoids cause side effects
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It's true. Such hormones as dexamethasone and Prednisolonum, and really can cause different side effects: excess weight, hypostases, ulcer, osteoporosis. Krom of that, they oppress immunity that increases probability to catch a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.
Как быть?
How to be?
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As a rule, such drugs are appointed when differently it is impossible, and they are the only exit and are capable to deliver bystry and essential simplification. There is a set of diseases at which hormones are capable to save life to the patient. And exact following to recommendations of the doctor and observance of dosages helps to minimize risk of side effects.
Гипотензивные средства вызывают обратный эффект
Antihypertensives cause converse effect
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Many consider that it is necessary to take hypotensive medicine only when pressure is strongly increased. Otherwise it can sharply decrease. Actually this fear is reasonable only partly. It can happen if to pick up too strong antihypertensive and to accept it in the wrong dose. But modern hypotensive drugs, as a rule, work softly and do not cause strong pressure-jumps.
Как быть?
How to be?
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You should not be afraid of the medicines lowering pressure. Consult to the doctor, and he will choose for you optimum medicine and a dosage. Also consider that today most of hypertensive persons for normalization of pressure accept drugs throughout all life. Therefore you should not appoint and cancel drugs independently.
Какие лекарства мы принимаем без назначения
What medicine we take without appointment
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There are many medicine most of which of people take without appointment. To it digestive enzymes, anesthetics, spasmolysants, laxatives, hypnotic drugs and sedatives belong. However it is necessary to consider that most of them have side effects about which it is necessary to know. Therefore will not prevent to study attentively before use of medicine the instruction to it.


Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.