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Adenoides at children, treatment

Эффективно ли лечение аденоидов у детей лазеромPathological increase in a pharyngeal almond against the background of which there are a difficulty of nasal breath and decrease in hearing is called adenoides. Most often the state occurs at children of 3-7 years, its development is promoted by the diseases which are characterized by an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity and almonds namely:

  • Flu;
  • Measles;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Chronic and acute inflammations of upper respiratory tracts.

Adenoides by means of a computer tomography, endoscopy, a back and front rinoskopiya, a manual research or a X-ray analysis of a nasopharynx are diagnosed.

In medicine distinguish three extents of development of adenoides in children, treatment of each of which has to be directed both to removal of increase in a pharyngeal almond, and to removal of the accompanying symptomatology and, if necessary, treatment of an adenoiditis.

There are several methods of treatment of adenoides at children, from conservative ways to surgical intervention.

Komarovsky about treatment of adenoides at children

Doctor Komarovsky considers that parents have to prevent in every possible way development of adenoides in children, treatment, as we know, always is much more difficult process, than the prevention of a state.

The main actions directed to prevention of pathological increase in almonds have to be turned on correction or the correct organization of a way of life of the child which will promote strengthening of its immune system, namely:

  • Feeding of the kid only on requirement of his organism;
  • Hardening;
  • Sports activities;
  • Restriction of contacts of the kid with household chemicals and dust;
  • Optimization of physical properties of air to which the child breathes.

Treatment of adenoides at children, across Komarovsky, shall include these measures of correction of a way of life of the child. The doctor considers that if it was not succeeded to prevent development of increase in almonds, then it is necessary to treat adenoides as soon as possible as effects of non-interference are unpredictable and very dangerous.

Methods of treatment of adenoides at children share on conservative, there is a lot of them, and operational. Carry to conservative methods of treatment:

  • Purpose of immunostimulators and vitamins;
  • Washing of a nose special solutions;
  • Instillation in a nose of the medicines having antiallergenic, antiinflammatory and antimicrobic properties.

In most cases, in particular, when the size of adenoides is small, these methods of treatment of adenoides at children are very effective, and it is possible to avoid operation. However, for various reasons, cases when conservative methods do not help meet, and it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Indications to an adenotomy – operations on adenoides, are not the sizes of the increased almonds, but specific symptoms, more precisely an obstacle to breath of the child. The adenotomy under the general or local anesthesia is carried out, its duration fluctuates within several minutes during which the doctor deletes with a special ring-shaped knife adenoides.

Operational treatment of adenoides at children, according to reviews, is not always safe, in certain cases there are complications connected with an anesthesia and damage of the sky. Komarovsky considers that it is necessary to be prepared for operation and previously to undergo careful inspection and if the child had any infectious disease recently, to postpone it for some time at all.

The recovery period after operational treatment of adenoides at children, according to reviews, lasts several days, it is desirable not to give during this period to the child firm and hot food.

Regardless of qualification of the surgeon by means of surgical intervention completely it is impossible to remove a pharyngeal almond therefore even after an adenotomy there is a risk of repeated emergence of adenoides. In such cases of fault of the doctor will be, most likely, parents managed to organize a way of life of the child correctly.

Treatment of adenoides at children the laser

The newest method of non-invasive treatment of adenoides at children is the laser removal which is carried out by means of the light waves having the coherent, polarized and monochrome properties.

As a result of laser radiation the lymph and blood on cells and walls of vessels begin to flow quicker thanks to what inflammatory hypostases disappear, including the volume of adenoides decreases.

Important condition of efficiency of treatment of adenoides at children the laser is immediate effect of radiation on almonds through a nasopharynx and a nose, but not on a nose bridge and "points" as do in many clinics. Directly prior to the procedure from a surface of adenoides pus and slime have to be removed, that is it is necessary that radiation was preceded by washing of a nasopharynx.

Что думает Комаровский о лечении аденоидов у детейThis not operational method of elimination of adenoides at children has many opponents, however nobody provides the specific facts of harm of radiation on an organism, and laser therapy is quite successfully used in medicine more than 20 years. However to such way there are two contraindications – oncological diseases and an acute purulent inflammation.

Adenoides call pathological increase in a pharyngeal almond against the background of which, in the absence of adequate therapy, there can be a difficulty of nasal breath and decrease in hearing. There is a set of ways of treatment of adenoides at children - it is both an operative measure, and conservative methods. To what way to resort, parents after consultation with the otolaryngologist solve.

Anyway, even when the size of the increased almonds small, it is necessary to treat them. It is caused by the fact that sometimes even the most insignificant, the first degree, increase in adenoides leads to a partial hearing loss. It is important to know that emergence of adenoides can be prevented if timely to adjust or initially correctly to organize a way of life of the child, to accustom him to play sports and to temper since the early childhood.

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