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Chicken pox at children: treatment

Что думает Комаровский о лечении ветрянки у детейSpecial treatment of chicken pox at children does not exist as the virus provoking emergence of a disease represents a kind of herpes (Varicella zoster). Thus, therapy only symptomatic. The incubation interval of a disease makes 21 days, rashes can remain from 3 to 7 days. During this time the organism copes with a virus independently, and afterwards to it durable immunity is developed. Antibiotics and other drugs are pertinent only in case of accession of an infection and suppuration of wounds. As a rule, such effects are caused by combing by the child of the rash accompanying chicken pox.

For successful treatment of chicken pox children need to use a lot of liquid. Drinks, especially with the content of vitamin C, clear an organism of toxins and interfere with development of complications.

Modern treatment of chicken pox at children

Modern treatment of chicken pox at children is directed, first of all, to removal of an itch and prevention of suppuration of bubbles and sores. Complex therapy includes:

  • Ensuring hygiene;
  • Drug treatment.

Was considered earlier that during chicken pox the contact of the struck places with water is inadmissible. At modern treatment of chicken pox to children even more often allow to bathe – water not only weakens, but also washes away sweat and dirt, and it promotes simplification of an itch. But some restrictions nevertheless are. In particular, it is forbidden:

  • To use detergents. Soap, shampoo, shower gel, bath foam should not adjoin to the inflamed skin;
  • To be long in water. It is the best of all to take a shower not for long, but it is frequent – about 3-4 times a day. Bathing time in a bathtub also should be reduced to a minimum, at the same time it is possible to add weak solution of potassium permanganate which has antiseptic properties and promotes dehumidification of rash to water. Doctor Komarovsky at treatment of chicken pox at children recommends to add to a bathtub of a little baking soda as she removes an itch better;
  • To use sponges and basts. These means damage sores and strengthen an itch;
  • To be wiped carefully. It is necessary to blot skin with a soft towel accurately. At the following bathing it needs to be replaced pure.

Water temperature has to be not warmer than 37-38 °C. After a shower or a bathtub at will it is possible to process rash solution of diamond green.

The popular belief that after "brilliant green" sores do not scratch, does not correspond to the truth. Solution does not help to treat chicken pox, but it is convenient to use it as a marker for definition of day when the child stops being infectious. It occurs for the 5th day after emergence of the last heat-spot.

Hydrotherapeutic procedures are prohibited if the child has a high temperature or pustules. In these cases it is better to postpone bathing until acute process does not cease.

At treatment of chicken pox at children Komarovsky advises to follow the following rules on care of skin:

  • It is short to cut nails. Combing of rash can lead to additional inflammatory process as bacteria easily get through wounds;
  • To use children's mittens. They are necessary at night as in a dream the child can scratch unconsciously;
  • To provide optimal climatic conditions. In heat and dryness sweating which leads to strengthening of an itch therefore in the room there has to be always a fresh cool and wet air increases;
  • To change linen. Bed and underwear have to be from cotton fabric and change daily.

Drug treatment of chicken pox

At treatment of chicken pox at children drugs are divided into 3 groups:

  • Antiherpetic;
  • Antihistaminic;
  • Soothing.

From antiherpetic means the acyclovir is safest and effective, but also it is appointed only at a heavy current. This antiviral drug is used also at chicken pox at newborns or an inborn form of a disease. Action of an acyclovir is based that it gets into the cells affected with a virus and stops their reproduction.

Antihistaminic drugs at treatment of chicken pox to children can be appointed both inside, and locally. Before their use consultation with the pediatrician is obligatory. Suprastinum, Tavegil and Diazolinum have serious side effects – sedation, lacks of coordination, nausea, a tachyphylaxis. Besides, the effect of them is short. Loratadin, Tsetirizin and Tsitrin – are safer.

Antipruritic ointments and gels cannot be used along with tablets or syrups. Danger of overdose arises also if plentifully to smear each heat-spot.

Описание современного лечения ветрянки у детейExcept decrease in an itch, antihistamines make small soothing impact. Rest is one more important aspect of treatment of chicken pox at children. Crying and whims because of a severe itch loosen a nervous system of the child. The it will be quieter, the quicker the organism will cope with a virus. After approval of the doctor it is possible to use homeopathic medicines – Valerianakhel, Nervokhel, Notta. Broth of a camomile or mint, and also Tinctura Valerianae or motherwort are capable to help the child to calm down too.

In extreme cases and only on doctor's orders accept Phenibutum or Phenazepamum.

Under no circumstances during treatment of chicken pox children cannot give Aspirin. It can lead to irreversible damages of a liver. The increased temperature is removed by means of the Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. At the same time dehydration is vital to warn.

As prevention of a disease it is possible to do vaccination which can prevent development of dangerous potential complications, for example, of varicellous encephalitis. If to do vaccination within 72 hours from the moment of infection, then it is possible to facilitate the course of chicken pox or to completely block it.

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