It is surprising that the feeding method which is the most natural to any mammal being, the method which provided survival to mankind can raise at someone doubts in the correctness. Feeding of the child a breast provides it arrival of all substances, necessary for development, in that quantity which is required to this child at this age. And therefore the question of when breastfeeding is not necessary, has only one aspect: those cases when it is interfered by serious diseases.
Feeding of the child is forbidden by a breast when mother is seriously ill (malignant tumors, a heavy mental disorder, an open form of tuberculosis, hepatitis C, HIV) and when she takes strong medicine. In this case there is a direct threat to health and the child's life and therefore, at an opportunity to adjust artificial feeding, there is no need to put the kid at risk. Problems can exist from the child, but then it is not about prohibition, and it is rather about impossibility to adjust feeding by a breast. Premature children who have no sucking reflex, children with anomalies of development of respiratory, digestive systems or defects of a structure of an upper jaw get to this category. Such diseases as a fenilketonuriya and to it similar are also a contraindication to feeding by the child's breast as it is about inborn disbolism at which milk is not acquired.
In all other cases feeding of the child a breast is exclusively useful. If mother got sick with a viral infection, for example, flu or a SARS, it is not necessary to interrupt feeding, on the contrary – in its organism protective antibodys to this virus which are transmitted through milk to the child are developed. The kid gets not a virus, and protection against it, and it is the best way of prevention of a viral infection which exists today.
Feature of breastfeeding that the players of milk are changed as the child grows up. Since the very first days of life, maternal milk gives not only food, but also protection as own immune system of the kid is still underdeveloped, it only forms. The correct development of immune system, a facial skeleton, the ossa and all organism in general – all this is completely provided in time feeding of the child with a breast, and with little effort, the easiest way. Optimum, when breastfeeding lasts all first year of life of the kid – this term is now considered necessary by a minimum. The unreasonable refusal of it is fraught with serious violations not only from the child, but also from mother's organism.
The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.
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Section: Articles about health