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Products useful to sight

Продукты полезные для зренияFor many the question "how to improve sight?" is very topical. Because often already from early age of people receives less vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, necessary for an organism, and also actively uses the computer and the TV, various ophthalmologic diseases considerably "rejuvenated" today and began to meet more often.

Products for sight are the simplest, available and pleasant means for sight support. The set of the usual products entering our diet well influence visual acuity, a condition of an eyeglobe and a retina, but, unfortunately, on our table they get insufficiently often and in insufficient quantity.

Vitamin-rich and microelements products help to warn many serious ophthalmologic diseases therefore it is recommended to make so the diet that products, useful to sight, in it held priority position, and harmful were reduced to a minimum. And, depending on disease type, priority products for sight can be different. For example, at conjunctivitis and blepharites it is recommended to eat bilberry and to limit the menu to the minimum quantity of cheese and alcohol. At elderly people development of an age makulodistrofiya at which the retina of an eye and the central sight is broken is very often observed. The main recommendation for this category – the rigid mode of healthy nutrition. Short-sightedness often occurs at representatives of the youngest age group. The children suffering from this illness are regularly recommended to give cottage cheese as this product contains the substances promoting strengthening of an eyeglobe and a retina. Besides for prevention for the growing organism it is necessary to include in a diet products for sight, rich with calcium (cottage cheese, cheeses, serum, milk, spinach, apricots, etc.), vitamin C (lemons, a dogrose, red pepper, blackcurrant, a cranberry, etc.), and also products with the increased content of vitamins of group A, E, beta carotene (fruit vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, etc.).

Include in the daily menu useful products for sight, available to each of us, such as blackcurrant and sweet cherry, almonds and garlic, onions and bilberry, cabbage and fish, carrots and juice of it, juice of leaves of parsley, fennel, spinach, beet, a cucumber and a celery, cowberry juice, and also all vegetables and fruit of red and orange color! And your sight for many years will remain normal!

Whether you know that:

In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.