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Stages of development of the child

Возрастные этапы развития речи ребенкаDuring growth the human body undergoes a set of changes, during certain periods – crisis. The word meaning "crisis" from the medical point of view, differs from standard in society. For economy this extremely adverse time after which it is difficult to expect immediate positive shifts. In medicine initial value of the Greek word "krinein" is used – "I divide". That is crisis is sharp transition from one state to other, qualitatively changed. In pediatrics stages of development of the child are divided among themselves by critical periods. This most vulnerable time for an organism, but after crisis an organism gains new qualities, reaches existence absolutely other level. Anatomo-physiological indicators change, the child grows and approaches the adult standard of living.

There are various classifications which try to reflect stages of development of the child in relation to the industry:

  • Pedagogical;
  • Legal;
  • Psychological;
  • Medical.

Teachers define age opportunities for training of children, extent of their intellectual development. Stages of development of the speech of the child as second alarm system of higher nervous activity are of great importance.

Legal classification defines degree of legal liability and provides property and other rights of minors.

The psychology considers stages of development of the child in respect of formation of the personality, taking into account the hereditary and acquired skills of communication in society.

Medical classification considers the childhood period as an initial piece of life in which children of certain age groups have own anatomo-physiological features. From the point of view of genetics, stages of development of the child include the most initial stage of existence, from the moment of formation of a zygote. It is also the first crisis in human life. End of children's age from the point of view of medicine comes to an end with puberty.

Age stages of development of the child

According to age of the person childhood of life is subdivided into certain intervals of time. Medical classification considers anatomo-physiological features of an organism, in relation to medical diagnostic methods and treatments. Many sections seem not acceptable for society, pedagogics, jurisdiction, but age stages of development of the child, anyway, begin from first minute after conception and are subdivided into the next periods:

  • Embryonal;
  • Perinatal;
  • Chest;
  • Prepreschool;
  • Preschool;
  • School: younger and senior (pubertal).

The pre-natal stage of development of the child proceeds within 280 days that makes 10 lunar months. During this period of life three crisis points of fetation are defined:

  • Formation of a zygote;
  • Formation of a placenta;
  • Childbirth.

On each piece of an antenatal life of the person there are processes of a bookmark and formation of internals. It has enormous value for prevention of inborn diseases. Harmful factors are excluded, necessary and safe medicines for future mother are selected.

The neonatal stage of development of the child covers the first four weeks of human life. It is the neonatality period which is characterized by adaptation to life after pre-natal stay. At this time the organism of the child is in continuous fight against aggressive environmental factors.

At chest age there is a further adaptation. The children who are on breastfeeding are steadier against infections as they are under protection of immunity of mother. Nevertheless, many processes in an organism of the kid are inclined to generalization at this time. So, feverish reaction almost at all children is followed by a convulsive syndrome. By one year of life the chest stage of development of the child comes to an end. The child completely adapts to the environment.

The prepreschool period of development proceeds from one to three years. Children are subject to age infections due to increase in contacts with peers. For so short span there pass all stages of development of the speech of the child therefore children are subject to obligatory inspection of the logopedist. This time of children's infections: chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, infectious parotitis, etc.

The preschool stage of development of the child proceeds from three to seven years. There is a noticeable decrease in growth of body weight, but growth of extremities continues. In six years replacement of milk teeth with constants begins. Pathological processes lose system character, and diseases are limited to defeat of separate bodies.

In the younger school period of the childhood the bone system is exposed to the greatest loading, prevention of a rachiocampsis is carried out. Change of food at this stage of development of the child provokes development of pathology of digestive tract. Children suffer because of non-compliance with rules of hygiene that is shown by diseases of "dirty hands": intestinal infections, helminthoses, acute hepatitises.

The pubertal period, that is, the final stage of development of the child, is characterized by the development of secondary generative organs beginning from 12 years. By 16 years clinical displays of all diseases of teenagers proceed as well as at adults.

Main stages of development of the child

Особенности возрастных этапов развития ребенкаCritical periods define transitions from one condition of a children's organism to another. Therefore the main stages of development of the child are divided by the following crises:

  • Neonatality;
  • First year of life;
  • Three-year age;
  • Seven-year age;
  • Seventeen years.

In some countries legislatively define age of an age of majority in 21 years, based on the level of development of higher nervous activity. From the point of view of physiology final formation of the personality comes to the end by 25 years.

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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.