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Safety on the road for children

Безопасность на дороге для детей - что должен знать ребенокAutomobile and the railroad represent a source of the increased danger to any pedestrians, and especially for children at whom sense of danger before moving transport is undeveloped. Congenital defensive reflex of the person in road conditions can play a dirty trick. Instead of to running out on the carriageway, the child otprygivat from the moving car and gets under the wheels, the car going a trace. Parents have to ensure safety on the road for children, holding them by a hand, moving on transition. The most dangerous age – one-two years. The brain of the child is developed insufficiently. At emergence of one dominant the highest nervous system cannot instantly switch to other type of activity. If the ball escaped from hands and was left, it is necessary to catch up with it and to pick up. At the same time it is absolutely unimportant in what party it is necessary to run. At the kid only one thought forms, his brain is not able to process bigger quantity. The fond child simply will not notice the moving car. The similar situation with children is more senior which try to save the kitten who jumped out on the carriageway. Safety on the road for children provides a number of prohibitive measures which need needs to be explained to the child from that age as he begins to understand the speech. The kid needs to know that the car cannot instantly stop, it will surely pass some more meters, and the brake way of railway transport is much longer. Therefore games near railway tracks are strictly prohibited.

The kid has to know the following safety rules of children on the road which are directed to prevention of injuries:

  • Under no circumstances it is not necessary to run out on the carriageway;
  • It is impossible to try to touch the car moving at a small speed;
  • To touch wheels of the car which is in the yard, especially, to use it for hide-and-seek;
  • The standing car needs to be bypassed behind or in front only at such distance that it is possible to run off aside at suddenly begun movement;
  • Having seen the car moving in the yard, it is necessary to step aside, better, to return to an entrance and to wait until the car passes.

On the road for children the adults who are a row irrespective of whom the child is necessary them have to be engaged in safety.

Safety rules of children on the road

Since the early childhood it is necessary to explain to the child of the traffic regulation for pedestrians, strengthening knowledge own example. Children need to know the following provisions which are important for carrying out under any circumstances:

  • It is necessary to cross the street only in those places where there is a road marking: "zebra", and on green color of the traffic light;
  • Best of all adults ensure safety on the road for the children going independently it is important to wait for any adults, and together with them to cross the road;
  • It is impossible to run across the carriageway at all – the movement on the road has to be only a step;
  • It is not necessary to hurry to come to the road, having passed the first moving car, behind it other cars can go;
  • For the purpose of safety on the road, special rules are developed for the children following in organized group. This movement by a column accompanied by adult tutors: at the head and closing. At the same time children have to have identification objects – tags, balloons and so forth;
  • If there is an underground passage, they need to use even at an acute shortage of time;
  • Passing the carriageway, according to safety requirements on the road, for children it is important to know that first of all it is necessary to look on the left, after crossing of a half are expensive – to the right;
  • Cars of public transport: buses, trams, share taxis, – it is dangerous to bypass from any party as in front, so behind. It is better to cross the street on transition, having passed "excess" meters to the right or to the left along the road;
  • According to safety requirements on the road for children, at stops of public transport it is impossible to stand on a roadside, but it is necessary to be on the special platform.

It is important to each child to understand that the road poses itself hazard to life. This situation is most efficient for children as they are afraid of death or mutilations more, than delay.

Traffic safety for children

Занимательные уроки безопасности дорожного движения для детейDrivers have to show special vigilance concerning juvenile pedestrians and passengers, including, own children. According to the concept of traffic safety for children accepted in all countries of Europe, the child up to 12 years with a growth to one and a half meters has to be in interior of the car only fastened to a special chair on a back seat. The children's chair is fixed to a passenger seat and performs function of fixing of a body on a case of sharp braking.

At the movement drivers need to reduce speed near educational and preschool institutions irrespective of whether there are warning road signs and "lying police officers".

Special vigilance should be shown at the movement on an inhabited array. Before parking or beginning the movement, for safety on the road for children it is necessary to be convinced that there are no none of kids nearby. This proximity has to be not less than ten meters.

It is important to parents to know that the mentality of the child is arranged in such a way that parents for him can never do the harm. Therefore kids fearlessly approach cars of parents, including them as safe as the father with mother. The child should explain that safety on the road for children shall be carried out irrespective of whose car moves nearby. Each car has defined "dead points" which remain invisible at the movement. Therefore before beginning the movement, it is recommended to bypass the car around and to be convinced that behind the car there is nobody.

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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.