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As it is correct to become tempered

Как правильно закалятьсяHardening one of powerful methods of strengthening of immune system, so, and organism in general. This method allows, without resorting to medicines, to keep health even in the most unfavorable conditions, for example, at the time of mass epidemics of infectious diseases. If it is correct to become tempered, to you the people sneezing and coughing near you will not be terrible, and the long recipes on the medicines prescribed by your attending physician will appear in the past, also however, as well as visits of this doctor.

The principle which is the cornerstone of a hardening is very simple - it is a training. It is known that in a human body what is not used, atrophies. Same concerns also immunity. Of course, this a little schematical and simplified representation, but nevertheless it will help to understand how it is correct to become tempered. Long ago it was noticed that the people who were in every possible way avoiding any disturbing factors – drafts, cold, a heat, microbes – instead of remaining always healthy, on the contrary, were ill more ordinary people. And at the same time the people forced to spend a lot of time in adverse weather conditions had much less, in particular, catarrhal diseases. How so?

It turned out that in the first case of people does not give the chance to train to the immune system. Protecting it from all "external enemies" it it thereby deprives of necessary "exercises", and it weakens. Instead of getting stronger from such care, the organism becomes subject to any infection. The same people, whose immune system regularly faced "attempts to cross the border", had it in an active state therefore protective forces of their organism successfully coped with most of infectious agents.

Thus, it becomes clear how it is correct to become tempered to achieve the best result. It is correct to become tempered so that on the one hand, not to go too far and not to overload the immune system, and with another – to provide it a possibility of a training. Usually for the purpose of a hardening use cold. This factor, unlike infections and other damaging agents, it is easy to control. Resort to douche by cold water or to other types of cold procedures: to walks in light clothes, to diving during snow, to winter swimming, etc.

Как правильно закалятьсяTwo main principles without which respect it is correct to become tempered will not turn out: gradualness and regularity. It is not so important what you will choose, but it is important that force of aggressive influence increased gradually, allowing an organism to adapt and that occupations a hardening were regular as only the regularity will provide growth of protective forces of an organism. If not to do it, it is better not to be engaged in a hardening in general as if it is wrong to become tempered, will result it in opposite result.

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In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.