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Treatment of herpes at children

Герпес на губах ребенка - лечение и профилактикаTreatment of herpes at children has to take place under medical control. The matter is that resort to therapy preferential in hard cases when the immune system of the child does not cope with a virus. If with immunity everything is all right, it is better to do without drugs. Therapy, as a rule, is based on diagnostic results and has complex character. The leading role at treatment of herpes on a body of the child is assigned to antiviral and immunomodulatory medicines, and also inductors of interferon and drugs of local action.

Treatment of herpes on the child's lips

Usually herpes on lips of the child of treatment does not demand. It is a virus of the first type which carriers are 95% of people. Usually it gets to an organism in the early childhood and remains in cells of a nervous system for the rest of life. A periodic recurrence in the form of bubbles most often arises on lips owing to stresses or easing of immunity though at all people herpes is provoked by the different reasons.

The question of why aggravations happen not at all infected, in medicine still remains open. If at one of parents at least once a year the virus becomes more active, and at another – no, then the probability that antibodies will be descended to the child is high. Thus, the herpes simplex virus capable to extend as a household way, and by air on hundreds of meters, will not cause any symptoms in the child.

But even in this case, that children did not need treatment of herpes, Komarovsky advises to adhere to certain security measures. In particular, to parents or other people, both to adults, and children, with herpes in an acute form it is not necessary to contact to healthy children close. It is connected with such concept as virus loading which is defined by quantity of virus particles in the infected organism and influences weight of a viral infection.

It means the following: for example, the child in kindergarten touched bubbles on lips and, without having washed up a hand, took any toy. When the same toy gets to the healthy child, he can not "catch" herpes as its immunity will cope with low virus loading. But if he is kissed by mother or the father with "fever", then the quantity of the transferred particles repeatedly will increase and infection will take place, despite existence of antibodies.

Treatment of herpes at children is effective only at emergence of the very first symptoms:

  • Burning;
  • Pricking;
  • Slight pain.

If the child began to complain of such feelings, then it is necessary to use at once special ointment to stop a disease right at the beginning. If it did not help, then the inflammation and a swelling with a set of the bubbles filled with liquid soon will appear. From this point and before total disappearance of symptoms of herpes each 3-4 hours it will be necessary to apply ointment with the maintenance of an acyclovir – the only thing of antiherpetic means, safe for children.

Over time bubbles will begin to burst. It is the most infectious period for people around therefore it is better to apply ointment a wadding stick, but not hands. Afterwards the formed ulcers drag on and become covered by a crust which cannot be peeled as there is a danger of accession of an infection.

Expediency of treatment of herpes at children and a dosage of medicines should be discussed with the doctor.

Treatment of the surrounding herpes at children

At the surrounding herpes treatment of children needs to be begun within 3 days from emergence of the first rash and to continue 2 more days after its disappearance. Timely prescription of medicines, containing an acyclovir, reduces duration of a disease and promotes bystry formation of crusts. The quicker parents will be engaged in treatment of herpes on the child's body, the less expressed will be symptoms. Besides, the probability of complications will significantly decrease.

If the disease proceeds not hard, then the acyclovir is accepted orally by 5 times a day on 800 mg. At the complicated forms within 12 hours enter рибамрин at the rate of 15 mg/kg.

Therapy can also consist in single use of immunoglobulin in number of 0,2 ml/kg. In rare instances this dosage is increased by 2-4 times. Along with antiviral means of a systemic effect appoint ointments with an acyclovir or interferon.

It is necessary to remember that at long use of the same medicine the virus develops resilience to active ingredient. For this reason not later than in 10 days the doctor has to appoint other drug.

Народные способы лечения герпеса у детейThe pain syndrome is reduced by means of nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs, tranquilizers, novocainic blockade. Purpose of an electrophoresis or ultra-violet radiation of affected areas is possible.

At children Komarovsky speaks of the principles of treatment of herpes as follows: first of all, it is important to parents to watch immunity of the child; at a severe disease it is necessary to address the pediatrician who will resolve an issue of expediency of medicamentous therapy. In most cases, if the child in general is healthy, no unpleasant effects should arise.

At formation of crusts there is an itch therefore it is necessary to watch that the child did not comb rash, risking to bring an infection. For reduction of an itch it is possible to use antihistamines, but about their use it is also necessary to consult with the doctor.

The vaccine for all types of herpes does not exist. Today the chicken pox inoculation which is one of kinds of herpes is effective. It should be made for prevention of complications, for example, of varicellous encephalitis. Even if the child already had chicken pox, the inoculation will prevent its recurrence in the form of shingles.

Whether you know that:

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