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Education of the child of 4 years

Особенности воспитания ребенка 4-5 лет Education of the child – put not a lung as it is the certain person with the emotions, desires and own opinion. Education of the child in the childhood influences all his life further. Therefore it is necessary to approach process of education of the kid very responsibly.

In the early childhood life of the kid, emotions and instincts generally manage. By 3-4 years the behavior of the child becomes more conscious. In 4 years in education of the child it is necessary to choose the right direction.

Features of education of the child of 4 years

By 4-5 years at the child the focus from a physical activity is gradually shifted to cerebration. It is less interesting to it to run and jump, he even more often wants to be engaged in quiet games. Children at this age are attracted by various creativity: drawing, production of different hand-made articles, molding. In education of the child of 4 years such behavior needs to be supported, including to participate in its occupations and games.

Also by 4 years it is a high time to send the child to some sports section, swimming or gymnastics best of all for this purpose approach. You should not forget and about daily walks – they will strengthen immunity of the child, and games will develop in the fresh air large motility.

By 4 years at all children inquisitiveness becomes aggravated. Their constants "why" can discompose any parent. It, of course, cannot be allowed. It is necessary to answer questions of the child directly, without any excess details. If you do not know the answer to a question, tell the child about it and promise to find the answer in the nearest future and to tell it.

If the child already knows the alphabet, it is possible to start reading training. It is possible to acquaint the child with fundamentals of mathematics also. It is the best of all to give any classes in playful way. At the age of 4 years the child can quite master the account to 10, concepts of subtraction and addition on the example of toys.

Most of children at such age already attend kindergarten. If it concerns also to your child, monitor his adaptation in collective. If it has problems, help it to overcome them. In the beginning define the reason of problems with adaptation (shyness, constraint, jealousy), and further teach the child (it is desirable, by means of specific examples) to how it is correct to communicate with children, to stand for itself if necessary and to share toys.

The mentality of the child in the course of a growing undergoes some changes. The child begins to have feelings, new to himself: grief, irritation, shame, offense. So far he is not able to cope with them therefore he can "not obey" or "badly to behave". For this reason in education of the child of 4 years it needs to be supported, told it that to experience emotions – it is normal, and you sometimes feel them. It is necessary to explain to the kid that it is much better to express the feelings by means of words, but not bad behavior.

In education of the child of 4-5 his years it is necessary both to praise, and to punish if necessary. Children quickly feel a lack of a praise, and without punishment education takes place more difficultly. But it is necessary to remember that it is possible to punish the child only on specific business and when you do notes, the child has to understand what from it is wanted (for example, instead of "How many it is possible to shout!" tell "Lower voice"). And it is necessary to praise the child often, but not for what he is already able to do, and for bigger diligence in any business and new achievements. Also do not forget to say to the child about how strongly you love him even if he not "well" behaves.

Distinctions in education of the boy and girl of 4 years

Как правильно организовать воспитание ребенка в 4 года According to practice, it is easier to bring up the girl of 4 years, than the boy. So occurs because girls often more obedient and quiet, and to this age at them begin to be shown female lines. Girls like to play "house", "shop", "doctor" and other role-playing games, they often try on dresses and turn in front of the mirror. Encourage such behavior and maintain confidence in its beauty in the daughter – thanks to it in the future it will have an adequate self-assessment and will be able to become womanly over time. Also in education of the child of 4 years it needs to impart love to purity, punctuality and accuracy.

Boys in 4 years, unlike girls, are more active and are even aggressive. In 4 years boys need already to know that girls cannot be offended, and also to understand why it cannot be done. In education of the child of 4-5 years, especially the boy, the father has to take part.

What more you will give with the child joint classes and games, especially bright, capable and inquisitive he will grow up.

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