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Acute virus keratitis


This virus inflammation of a cornea of an eye.
Every year the virus keratitis becomes more and more widespread around the world. Also its heavier current and preferential defeat of children and young people is everywhere noted. Among all inflammatory processes of a cornea 70% fall to the share of a herpetic keratitis. Such frequency, and also the heavy course of this disease it is connected with broad use of corticosteroid hormones. Increase of herpetic diseases of eyes can be explained also with the fact that in recent years there are flu epidemics activating latent infections including caused by a herpes virus more often.

Symptoms of the Acute virus keratitis:

The herpetic keratitis represents manifestation of neuroinfection in an eye. The numerous strains of the activator differing from each other in biological properties can cause such keratitis.

Clinically virus keratitis can be shown in the form of two forms: primary herpes at which in an organism is not present to this virus of antibodies and postprimary herpes of a cornea (more often) when infection already happened and a quantity of antibodies was formed.

Primary herpes occurs approximately in 25% of all herpetic defeats of a cornea at children. It can be observed preferential at children aged from 5 months up to 5 years, but is more often in the first 2 years of life that is connected with absence at children of this age of specific immunity. Disease is acute, long and heavy. Cardinal signs of primary herpetic keratitis arise, as a rule, against the background of the "catarrhal" disease which is followed by quite often bubble rashes on lips, nose wings, centuries and in other places not only skin, but also mucous membranes. These signs include expressed corneal, or corneal, a syndrome (a photophobia, dacryagogue, a nictitating spasm) mixed with dominance pericorneal, an injection, polymorphic opacification of a cornea of grayish color and pain which causes the expressed concern of the diseased. Discharge from a conjunctival sac more often serous, but maybe mucopurulent, in a small amount. The superficial, vesicular form of infiltrates meets seldom and if happens, then then passes into treelike. The deep metaherpetic keratitis with the iridocyclitis phenomena prevails. On a back surface of a cornea a large amount of precipitated calcium superphosphates appears. On an iris new vessels extend and appear. Due to the involvement in process of a ciliary body there are pains in this area ("tsiliarny" pains). The set of vessels early grows into a cornea very much. Process proceeds wavy, taking almost all cornea. Aggravations, a recurrence are frequent. Remissions of a disease short.

Postprimary herpes of an eye meets more often at children after 3 years of life, and at adults against the background of weak antiherpetic immunity. The last leaves the mark on a clinical picture of process. Postprimary herpetic keratitis has a subacute current. Infiltrates preferential treelike or metaherpetic. Vascularization of infiltrates, as a rule, does not happen. The corneal syndrome is expressed slightly. The discharge is more often serous and mucous, scanty. Course of process more favorable and less long (2 — 3 weeks). A recurrence is possible, but remissions continue about one year. The disease arises preferential in the fall and in the winter.

Reasons of the Acute virus keratitis:

Most often the acute virus keratitis has the herpetic nature. The virus of a herpes simplex (herpes simplex) is among the filtered, neurodermotropic viruses which are present at a human body since the early childhood, getting, obviously, a contact and household and airborne way. About contamination viruses of herpes it is possible to judge by a high caption of specific antibodies. Usually most of children are born with such antibodies thanks to their high content at mothers. But during the first half of the year of life of the child they disappear owing to what there is the greatest sensitivity to a virus. It is established that more than a half of children is infected with a herpes simplex virus aged up to 5 years. Almost all adults remain healthy carriers of a virus and constantly are an infection source. Specific antibodies to the most widespread virus strains of herpes are found almost in every sixth healthy child. Virus, being in balance with antibodies, does not cause a disease, its virulence will not amplify yet.
Activation of a virus and decrease in body resistance happen under the influence of such factors as a feverish state at various infections, cooling, emotional stresses, vaccination, overheating, ultra-violet radiation, neuroendocrinal shifts, etc. In such conditions even small injuries of an eye (microtrauma) with an erosion of an epithelium give to a virus the chance to be implemented into a cornea from a conjunctival sac. The disease quite often has character of systemic lesion (skin, a mucous membrane, the central and peripheral nervous system, a liver, eyes).

Treatment of the Acute virus keratitis:

• Use of the drugs having the selection antiherpetic activity - frequent (to 8 times a day) installations in an eye of 0,1% of solution of an idoksiuridin (I go, Oftan IDU, герплекс, stoxil, Kerecidum) within 10-14 days (further it has the expressed toxic effect on a corneal epithelium) or that is even more effective, a mortgaging for eyelids of 3-5 times in day of 3% of ointment of an acyclovir (zovirax, a viroleks).
• At IDA-resistant forms of a keratitis frequent installations in an eye of leukocytic alpha interferon (200 PIECES/ml) or related are shown it drugs - an interlok (10 000 ME in 0,1 ml of the phosphatic buffer), a reaferona (5000-100 000 ME in 1 ml of the distilled water) or a berofor. The mode of installations of the last drug special - once a day on 2 drops. Interval between drops of 5-10 minutes. Course of therapy of 6 days.

Also human beta interferon is offered to use (fibroblastny). It is necessary to instillirovat drug under the name "fron" on 2 drops of 6 times a day within 7 days. As the interferon inductor well proved Poludanum - the biosynthetic poliribonukleotidny complex providing development α, β and γ-interferon in tissues of an eye and blood. It can be used in the form of eye drops (100 ME in 5,0 ml of the distilled water) or subconjunctival injections (50-100 ME drugs already in 1 ml of solvent).
• Use of immunomodulators, in particular, of a likopid is shown.
• Course of intramuscular injections of B1 and V2 vitamins; intake of ascorbic acid and vitamin A.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Acute virus keratitis:

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