DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Cardiology Myocardial dystrophy

Myocardial dystrophy


This noninflammatory damage of a myocardium which is characterized by dystrophy of sokratitelny cells of a cardiac muscle, structures of the carrying-out system of heart and shown symptoms of disturbance of the main functions of heart (automatism, contractility, conductivity, excitability).

Myocardial dystrophy symptoms:

Clinically the myocardial dystrophy is shown by symptoms of disturbance of contractility of a myocardium (the short wind, tachycardias more often moderated and arising only at an exercise stress), automatism, conductivity and excitability of heart that finds reflection in various arrhythmias of heart and disturbances of conductivity (especially often is found premature ventricular contraction) revealed on an ECG or auskultativno. Quite often at patients systolic noise on the basis or in the field of a heart top, the I tone sometimes muffled is listened; The ECG often has a reduced voltage of teeth. At heavy myocardial dystrophies, for example at thyrocardiac heart, an alcoholism, heart failure is expressed more, especially if the ciliary arrhythmia develops, short wind and tachycardia  at rest are observed, the liver increases, hypostases develop. In such cases there is a need of differential diagnosis with myocarditis, coronary heart disease that is, as a rule, possible only at inspection of the patient in specialized cardiological department.

Myocardial dystrophy reasons:

Are the reasons of a myocardial dystrophy influence of bacterial toxins (for example, at an adenoid disease), industrial poisons (for example, ethylated gasoline) and a number of the chemicals applied in life, ionizing radiation; overdose of some medicines (quinine, alupent, Astmopentum, etc.); alcoholism; long deficit in a diet of a number of substances, necessary for an organism (proteins, vitamins). Surplus or lack of any biologically active agents is the cornerstone of the myocardial dystrophy developing at many noninfectious diseases. So-called thyrocardiac heart — a consequence of the heavy dystrophy of a myocardium arising under the influence of surplus in blood of hormones of a thyroid gland, and the myocardial dystrophy at a hypothyroidism is caused by a lack of these hormones. The hormonal myocardial dystrophy arises also at a pathological climax. The myocardial dystrophy can be a consequence of an overload of a myocardium (at arterial hypertension, heart diseases, as a result of a physical overstrain at athletes, etc.), especially if the overload is combined with a hypoxia; also development of a myocardial dystrophy at heavy anemias is explained by a hypoxia. After elimination of a causative factor the trophicity of the struck cardiomyocytes can be recovered completely if it works is long, a part of these cells perishes and is replaced with connecting fabric, i.e. the cardiosclerosis forms.

Treatment of the Myocardial dystrophy:

Prevention and treatment come down first of all to elimination of a causative factor. In all cases recommend purpose of a full-fledged diet, protein-rich, apply polyvitamins, оротат potassium, inosine, sometimes — anabolic hormones (метандростендиол, Nerobolum, retabolil). If necessary carry out treatment of heart failure and arrhythmias.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Myocardial dystrophy:

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