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Prostatectomy - (pmstatectomy) - surgical removal of a prostate. Need for carrying out this operation arises in case of heavy disturbance of the outflow of urine caused by increase in a prostate or at the frequent and incomplete urination arising for the same reason. Operation can be carried out through a bladder (a transvesical prostatectomy (transvesical prostatectomy)) or through a surrounding prostate the capsule (a pozadilobkovy prostatectomy (retropubic prostatcctomy)). When performing a transurethral prostatectomy (transurethral prostatectomy) (or a transuretralnoyrezektion (transurethral re-section)) through an urethra by means of the resectoscope a small part of a prostate or all gland entirely can be removed (see the Resection). Radical (radical) (or total (total)) a prostatectomy (prostatectomy) is carried out in the course of cancer therapy of a prostate. It consists a prostate together with its capsule and seed bubbles at a distance. Integrity of urinary tract is reached by imposing of an anastomosis between a bladder and the urethra separated from it.

Technique of carrying out a radical prostatectomy