Alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) of 10%

Producer: JSC Samaramedprom Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11HA03
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solutio oleosa.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 g of D, acetate L-α-токоферола in 1 l.
Excipient: the sunflower oil refined deodorized "The first grade".
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Fat-soluble vitamin which function up to the end remains obscure. As antioxidant, slows down development of free radical reactions, prevents formation of the peroxides damaging cellular and subcellular membranes that is important for development of an organism, normal function of nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium slows down oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of microsomal system of transfer of electrons), prevents hemolysis of erythrocytes. Is a cofactor of some fermental systems.
Indications to use:
Hypovitaminosis E and the increased need of an organism for vitamin E (including at newborns, premature or with low body weight, at children of younger age at insufficient intake of vitamin E with food, at a peripheral neuropathy, a necrotizing myopathy, an abetalipoproteinemiya, a gastrectomy, a chronic cholestasia, cirrhosis, an atresia of bilious ways, obstructive jaundice, a Gee's disease, tropical to a spr, a disease Krone, malabsorption, at parenteral food, pregnancy (especially at polycarpous pregnancy), nicotine addiction, drug addiction, in the period of a lactation, at reception of Colestyraminum, kolestipol, mineral oils and ferriferous products, at purpose of a diet with the increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids). The newborn with low body weight: for prevention of development of hemolitic anemia, a bronkhopulmonalny dysplasia, complications of a retrolental fibroplasia.
Route of administration and doses:
According to the norms of average daily consumption of vitamins approved by MZ Russian Federation in 1991, the need for vitamin E for children of 1-6 years - 5-7 mg, 7-17 years - 10-15 mg, men and women - 10 mg, for pregnant women and nursing mothers - 10-14 mg. Inside or in oil.
Prevention of a hypovitaminosis E: to adult men - 10 mg/days, to women - 8 mg/days, pregnant - 10 mg/days, to nursing mothers - 11-12 mg/days; to children up to 3 years - 3-6 mg/days, 4-10 years - 7 mg/days.
Duration of treatment of a hypovitaminosis E is individual and depends on weight of a state. Parenterally (heating to the 37th a hail. C) enter in the same doses, as appoint inside daily or every other day.
Features of use:
1 cap of 5-10-30% of solution from an eyedropper contains about 1, 2 and 6.5 mg of tocopherol of acetate respectively.
Tokoferola contain in green parts of plants, especially in young sprouts of cereals; large numbers of tokoferol are found in vegetable oils (sunflower, cotton, corn, peanut, soy, sea-buckthorn). Their quantity contains in meat, fat, eggs, milk. It must be kept in mind that at newborns with low body weight developing of hypovitaminosis E in connection with low-permeability of a placenta is possible (blood of a fruit contains only 20-30% of vitamin E of its concentration in mother's blood).
The diet with the increased content of selenium and sulfur-containing amino acids reduces the need for vitamin E. At routine purpose of vitamin E newborns should compare advantage with potential risk of emergence of a necrotic coloenteritis.
Now efficiency of use of vitamin E is considered unreasonable at treatment and prevention of the following diseases: beta talassemias, oncological diseases, a fibrozo-cystous dysplasia of a mammary gland, inflammatory diseases of skin, a hair loss, a usual abortion, heart diseases, the "alternating" lameness, a postmenopauzny syndrome, infertility, a round ulcer, a sickemia, burns, a porphyria, disturbances of nervomyshechny conductivity, thrombophlebitises, impotence, stings of bees, senile лентиго, a bursitis, a diaper dermatitis, pulmonary intoxication at pollution of the atmosphere, atherosclerosis, aging. Unproven consider use of vitamin E for increase in sexual activity.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions; at introduction in oil - morbidity, infiltrate, calcification of soft tissues. Overdose. Symptoms: at reception during the long period in doses of 400-800 PIECES/days (1 mg =1.21 ME) - an illegibility of visual perception, dizziness, a headache, nausea, extraordinary fatigue, diarrhea, a gastralgia, an adynamy; at reception more than 800 PIECES/days during the long period - increase in risk of development of bleedings in patients with a hypovitaminosis To, disturbance of metabolism of thyroid hormones, disorders of sexual function, thrombophlebitis, a thrombembolia, necrotic colitis, sepsis, a hepatomegalia, a hyperbilirubinemia, a renal failure, hemorrhage in a mesh cover of an eye, a hemorrhagic stroke, ascites. Treatment - symptomatic, drug withdrawal, purpose of GKS.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens effect of GKS, NPVP, antioxidants.
Increases efficiency and reduces toxicity of vitamins A, D, cardiac glycosides.
Purpose of vitamin E in high doses can cause deficit of vitamin A in an organism.
Increases efficiency of antiepileptic HP at patients with epilepsy (at whom the content in blood of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids is increased).
Simultaneous use of vitamin E in a dose more than 400 PIECES/days with anticoagulants (derivatives of coumarin and an indandion) increases risk of development of a prothrombinopenia and bleedings.
Colestyraminum, колестипол, mineral oils reduce absorption.
High doses of Fe strengthen oxidizing processes in an organism that increases the need for vitamin E.
Hypersensitivity. With care. A prothrombinopenia (against the background of deficit of vitamin K - can amplify at a vitamin E dose more than 400 ME).
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 ml or 50 ml of Solutio oleosa in puzyotka from dark glass.