Vitamin A

Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11CA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 33 000 I eat Retinolum of acetate or 100 000 ME of Retinolum of palmitate.
Excipient: sunflower oil,
Structure of a cover: glycerin, methylparahydroxybenzoate, vodaochishchenny, quinolinic yellow E-104, gelatin.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug is intended for completion of deficit of vitamin A in an organism. Retinolum has a large number of unsaturated bonds, activates oxidation-reduction processes, stimulates synthesis of the purine and pirimidinovy bases, participates in metabolism power supply, creating favorable conditions for ATP synthesis.
Drug increases synthesis of protein in a cartilaginous and bone tissue that determines growth of bones and cartilages in length.
Stimulates epithelization and (hyperkeratosis) prevents excess keratinization of an epithelium. Increases quantity of mitoses in epithelial cells, interferes with accumulation in them of eleidin, promotes synthesis of the RNA and the sulphated mucopolysaccharides playing an important role in permeability of cellular, subcellular and especially lizosomalny membranes. Thanks to lipophilicity, it is built in a lipidic phase of membranes, has the modifying effect on membrane lipids, controls the speed of chain reactions in a lipidic phase and supports the anti-oxidizing potential of various fabrics at the constant level.
Regulates biosynthesis of glycoproteins of superficial membranes of the cells determining the level of processes of cellular differentiation.
Increases resistance of an organism to an infection. Strengthens antibody formation and activates phagocytosis.
Influences photoreception, participating in rhodopsin creation.
Stimulates synthesis of adrenal hormones. Provides normal activity grease and sweat glands.
Pharmacokinetics. It is soaked up from a GIT after emulsification by bile acids. Retinolum which came to gut microvillis is exposed to esterification. The formed retinyl palmitate joins specific lipoproteids, gets into lymphatic ways and as a part of chylomicrons comes to a liver where it is taken star-shaped retikuloendoteliotsita, and then hepatocytes where chylomicrons are split, releasing retinyl palmitate, Retinolum and a retinal and the retinoic acid which is formed of it. Retinolum contacts specific protein, comes to blood, connects to albumine and is transported to various bodies.
It is distributed in an organism unevenly: the greatest number is in a liver and a retina, smaller – in kidneys, heart, fat depos, lungs, the lactating mammary gland, in adrenal glands, etc. hemadens. A preferential form of deposition is ретинолпальмитат, its stocks slowly, but are constantly updated. In fabrics Retinolum is localized preferential in microsomal fraction, mitochondrions, lysosomes, in membranes of cells and organellas. Retinolum, a retinal, retinoic acid are emitted with hepatocytes as a part of bile, ретинилглюкуронид is emitted with urine. Elimination of Retinolum is carried out slowly therefore repeated receptions lead to cumulation.
Indications to use:
- A-hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis;
- defeats and diseases of skin (frostbites, burns, wounds, ichthyosis, follicular dyskeratosis, senile keratosis, tuberculosis cutis, some forms of eczema, psoriasis);
- diseases of eyes (pigmental retinitis, xerophthalmia, etc.);
- rickets, hypotrophies, epithelial tumors and leukoses (for increase in resistance of the hemopoietic fabric to action of tsitostatik).
Route of administration and doses:
Medical doses at avitaminosis of easy and average degree: the adult – 33000 ME in days, at a hemeralopia, a xerophthalmia, a pigmental retinitis – 50000 – 100000 ME a day. At skin diseases adult appoint 50 000 – 100 000 ME a day.
The highest single medical dose for adult 50 000 ME, the highest daily — 100 000 ME. At use of higher doses of vitamin A it is necessary to consider a possibility of development of a hypervitaminosis And.
Features of use:
Drug should be used with care at patients acute chronic nephrite, at a decompensation of cordial activity.
In case of reception of high doses of drug the nablyudatsyaobostreniye of a zhelchekamenny disease and chronic pancreatitis can.
The teratogenic effect of the raised doses of Retinolum remains to an iposla of the termination of its reception therefore it is recommended to plan pregnancy at a primeneniipreparat only in 6-12 months.
Use in pediatrics. Drug is not used in pediatric practice because of an acetate Retinolum vysokoydozirovka in one capsule.
Features of influence of medicine on способностьуправлять the vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms. Does not influence.
Side effects:
At prolonged use of high doses of vitamin A the phenomena of a hypervitaminosis are possible And (drowsiness, slackness, a headache, short-term temperature increase, a peeling of skin, disorder of gait, morbidity in bones of the lower extremities).
Interaction with other medicines:
Corticosteroid drugs, antibiotics of tetracycline group, and also ethanol and etanolsoderzhashchy drugs at combined use reduce therapeutic effect. The effect strengthens tocopherol and its drugs.
Absorption of Retinolum is broken by nitrites, холестирамин. Weakens effect of the drugs Ca2+, increases risk of development of a hypercalcemia.
Oral contraceptives increase concentration of Retinolum in plasma.
Izotretinoin increases risk of emergence of toxic effect.
Simultaneous use of tetracycline and Retinolum in high doses (50 thousand/PIECE and above) increase risk of development of intracranial hypertensia.
Cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, hypervitaminosis And, children's age up to 18 years.
Symptoms of acute overdose by vitamin A (develop cherez6 h after introduction): hypervitaminosis And: adults have a drowsiness, slackness, a diplopia, dizziness, a severe headache, nausea, heavy vomiting; diarrhea, irritability, osteoporosis, odontorrhagia, dryness and izjyazvleniyeslizisty cover of a mouth, peeling of lips, skin (especially palms), excitement, confusion of consciousness.
Symptoms of chronic intoxication vitamin A: anorexia, an ostealgia, cracks and a xeroderma, lips, a xerostomia, a gastralgia, vomiting, a hyperthermia, an adynamy, a headache, a photosensitization, a pollakiuria, a nocturia, a polyuria, irritability, a hair loss, yellow-orange a pyatnana soles, palms, in the field of a nasolabial triangle, a gepatotoksicheskiyeyavleniye, increase in intraocular pressure, an oligomenorrhea, a portalnayagipertenziya, hemolitic anemia, spasms; fetotoksichesky phenomena: porokirazvitiya of an urinary system, growth inhibition, early closing epiphyseal zonrosta.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, as the antagonist appoint L-thyroxine, and also ascorbic acid, attracts (reduces intracranial pressure ilikvidirut meningism symptoms), glucocorticoids (accelerate metabolism of a vitamina in a liver).
Storage conditions:
To store in the place protected from moisture and light at a temperature from 15 ºС to 25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children! Period of storage 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 capsules in a blister strip packaging. On the 2nd blister strip packagings together with the instruction to pomeditsinsky use in the state and Russian languages stack in пачкуиз a cardboard.