
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01BA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 0,1 mg of dexamethasone of sodium phosphate (in terms of 100% substance) in 1 ml of solution.
The synthetic fluorinated glucocorticosteroid, has an antiinflammatory, antiallergic, immunodepressive effect, possesses anti-exudative and antifibroblastogenny properties, has practically no mineralkortikosteroidny effect.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Dexamethasone interacts with specific cytoplasmatic receptors and forms the complex getting into a kernel of a cell and stimulating synthesis of MRNK; the last induces formation of the proteins mediating cellular effects, including a lipokortin who oppresses A2 phospholipase suppresses a liberation of arachidonic acid and inhibits biosynthesis of endoperoxides, prostaglandins, the leukotrienes promoting processes of an inflammation and an allergy. Dexamethasone inhibits an expression of genes of the proteins participating in development of inflammatory reactions. Interferes with release of mediators of an inflammation from eosinophils and mast cells. Brakes activity of hyaluronidase, a collagenase and proteases. Suppresses activity of fibroblasts and formation of collagen. Reduces permeability of capillaries, stabilizes cellular membranes, including lizosomalny, release of cytokines from lymphocytes and macrophages oppresses.
Pharmacokinetics. Dexamethasone gets through an intact epithelium of a cornea into moisture of an anterior chamber of an eye. At an inflammation or injury of a mucous membrane the speed of a penetration increases. System absorption of low, about 60-80% of the dexamethasone which came to a system blood stream contacts specific protein carrier transkoritiny and albumine, at the same time the connected dexamethasone has no biological activity. Easily passes through gistogematichesky barriers, including hematoencephalic and placental.
Dexamethasone is metabolized in a liver under the influence of cytochromium enzymes, removed by kidneys. The elimination half-life averages 3 hours.
Indications to use:
Acute and chronic allergic and inflammatory processes: inflammations of the front site of an eye (conjunctivitis, a keratoconjunctivitis, a deep keratitis without damage of an epithelium, an iritis, an iridocyclitis, an episcleritis, a sclerite and others), inflammations of a back piece of an eye (a choroiditis, a chorioretinitis, an optic neuritis), a sympathetic uveitis; prevention and treatment of the inflammatory phenomena after injuries and surgical eye operations; thermal and corrosive burns of eyes during the late period.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and children 12 years at acute inflammatory states are more senior dig in in a conjunctival sac 1-2 drops of 4-5 times a day within 2 days, after reduction of symptoms of an inflammation – 3-4 times a day within 4-6 days.
At chronicities dig in 1-2 drops 2 times a day within several weeks. The maximum duration of use of drug makes 4 weeks.
In the post-operational and posttraumatic periods drug is used from 8 in the afternoon after operations for squint, peeling of a retina, extraction of a cataract and from the moment of emergence of an injury on 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day within 2-4 weeks; at the protivoglaukomny filtering operation – in day of operation or next day after it.
To children from 6 to 12 years at allergic and inflammatory states dig in on 1 drop 2-3 times a day within 7-10 days, in case of need continue treatment after carrying out for the 10th day of control of a condition of a cornea.
Features of use:
Pregnancy and lactation: use of drug at pregnancy and feeding by a breast within 7-10 days is allowed (no more) if the importance of effect exceeds risk of development of side effects for mother and a fruit.
Before use of drug it is necessary to remove soft contact lenses and again to establish them not earlier than in 15 minutes.
Influence on ability to drive the car and potentially dangerous mechanisms: it is not recommended to use drug just before control of vehicles or work with mechanisms as dacryagogue after a drug instillation is possible.
Side effects:
Directly after an instillation perhaps short-term burning sensation, dacryagogue, a conjunctiva hyperemia. Allergic reactions can be observed. At prolonged use (more than 2 weeks) increase in intraocular pressure and perforation of a cornea (is possible at its thinning), development of a zadnekapsulyarny cataract (more than 3 months of use of drug).
Interaction with other medicines:
At prolonged use with yodoksuridiny strengthening of destructive processes in a cornea epithelium is possible. At development of infectious process perhaps simultaneous use of drug with antibacterial agents.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, viral, fungal infections of an eye, mikobakterialny and acute purulent diseases of eyes, trachoma, glaucoma, disturbance of integrity of an epithelium of a cornea.
Symptoms: at overdose at topical administration of dexamethasone aggravation of side effect is possible.
Treatment: drug it is necessary to cancel and appoint symptomatic therapy. There is no specific antidote.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution (drops eye) 1mg/ml solution in a tube droppers on 1 ml No. 2;
Solution (drops eye) 1mg/ml solution in bottles on 5 ml.