
Producer: Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M01AE01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
International and chemical name: ibuprofen; (±) 2 – (4 isobutylphenyl) pro-pinic acid;
Main physical and chemical properties: white or almost white, an oval form of a tablet, coated, with a notch for division on both sides and the relief stamping "Е" on both sides from a notch for division on the upper party;
The structure imt the tab. п / about 400 mg. No. 10: 1 tablet, coated, contains an ibuprofen 400 mg;
Excipients: starch corn carboxymethylstarch sodium salt, type A, silicon dioxide high-disperse, magnesium stearate of a gipromelloz (average viscosity about 5 MPas · sec.); titanium dioxide, E 171; povidone value K = 30); macrogoal 4000.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The ibuprofen is nonsteroid, antiinflammatory, anesthetic which effect is connected with braking of synthesis of prostaglandins. It reduces pain, hypostasis and the increased body temperature, connected with an inflammation. Besides, the ibuprofen oppresses the aggregation of thrombocytes caused by ADF and collagen.
Pharmacokinetics. At oral administration the ibuprofen is partially soaked up in a stomach and then completely in a small bowel. After a metabolization in a liver (hydroxylations, a carboxylation) inactive metabolites are completely removed generally by kidneys (90%), and also through biliary system. The elimination half-life at healthy and at patients with diseases of a liver and/or kidneys makes 1,8 – 3,5 h. Linkng with proteins of plasma after intake – 99%. The maximum concentration in plasma after intake is reached in 1 – 2 h.
Indications to use:
Pain of small and medium intensity (headache, dentagra, painful periods). Fever.
Route of administration and doses:
Imet of the tab. п / about 400 mg. No. 10. The dosage of drug of Ismet depends on age and body weight. Usually general daily dose makes 20 – 30 mg on body weight kg. The single dose for children from 13 to 14 years (apprx. 44 – 52 kg) makes – 1 tablet, coated or 200 – 400 mg of an ibuprofen; a daily dose – 1 – 2 tablets, coated, 600 – 1 000 mg of an ibuprofen. The single dose for teenagers of 15 years and adults makes – 1 tablet, coated, or 200 – 400 mg of an ibuprofen; a daily dose – 2 – 3 tablets, coated, or 800 – 1 200 mg of an ibuprofen. Elderly people do not demand special selection of a dose. Imet is accepted in time or after food, without chewing. Patients with a sensitive stomach are recommended to accept Ismet during food.
Features of use:
Extra care is necessary at such patients: with inborn disturbance of exchange of porphyrine (for example, the acute alternating porphyria), with a system lupus erythematosus or the mixed collagenoses; with complaints from a GIT or with chronic diseases of intestines (ulcer colitis, a disease Krone); with arterial hypertension and/or heart failure, with a renal failure, with a renal failure, with an allergy (for example, skin reactions to other means, asthma, hay fever) and/or rhinedemas, chronic character or chronic inflammations of the respiratory tracts which are followed by their narrowing with a concomitant use of a methotrexate in the dose exceeding 15 mg. Side effects can be reduced if always to accept the minimum quantity of drug, has effect, and during shorter term.
If prolonged treatment by Ismet's drug is necessary, then regular control of indicators of function of a liver, kidneys, and also blood pictures is necessary. At much prolonged use of anesthetics in high doses there can be a headache which it is impossible to treat by increase in a dose of drug. Generally, accustoming to anesthetics, especially in a combination of several active ingredients with the anesthetizing action, can bring to the injury of kidneys which is dragged out in time with risk of developing of a renal failure ("analgetik" a nephropathy).
Pregnancy and period of feeding by a breast. It is not necessary to apply Ismet in the first 6 months of pregnancy as influence on suppression of synthesis of prostaglandins on pregnancy it is not found out. The ibuprofen and products of its disintegration in a small amount pass into maternal milk. At short-term reception in the recommended doses at pain and fever there is no need to interrupt a lactation as harmful effects for the child are unknown. If prolonged treatment or reception of high doses is offered (over 1 200 mg of an ibuprofen a day), then it is necessary to consider a question of the premature termination of feeding by a breast.
Influence on ability to manage transport. At short-term reception of medicine of need for precautionary measures is not present.
Side effects:
For assessment of side effects usually take such these frequencies as a basis: very often (more than 1 of 10 patients treated), it is frequent (> 1 of 100), sometimes (1 of 1 000), is rare (1 of 10 000), 1 or less of 10 000, including isolated cases is very rare).
Digestive tract.
Sometimes: complaints from a digestive tract, for example heartburn, an abdominal pain, nausea.
Seldom – diarrhea, abdominal distention, a lock, vomiting.
Very seldom: stomach ulcers and/or intestines (under certain circumstances – with bleeding and/or perforation). Nervous system.
Sometimes: headache. Kidneys. Very seldom – reduction of a mocheotdeleniye and hypostases; damages of renal fabric (a necrosis of nipples), in particular at prolonged treatment, increase in concentration of uric acid in blood. Liver.
Very seldom: damage of hepatic fabric, in particular at prolonged treatment. Blood.
Very seldom: hemopoiesis disturbance (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis). Skin. Very seldom skin reactions (skin rash with reddening and vesiculation (for example, Erythema exsudativum multiforme).
Immune system. Very seldom: symptoms of aseptic meningitis, is followed by a severe headache, nausea, fever, muscle tension of a nape or opacification of consciousness. Patients with a system lupus erythematosus or mixed collagenoses have the increased risk of development of such state. Hypersensitivity reactions. Sometimes: an enanthesis and a skin itch, asthma attacks (it is possible with falling of arterial pressure). Very seldom: heavy hypersensitivity reactions with a face edema, language and a throat with narrowing of respiratory tracts, short wind, tachycardia, falling of arterial pressure up to shock.
Interaction with other medicines:
Ibuprofen, as well as other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it is necessary to take with caution in a combination with such medicines: with acetylsalicylic acid or others nonsteroid antiinflammatory / anesthetics and glucocorticoids (increase in risk of developing of stomach ulcers and intestines, and also gastrointestinal bleedings), except for their topical administration; with anti-hypertensive means and diuretics (the ibuprofen can weaken their action); with the means braking coagulability of blood (control of coagulability of blood); with lithium (control of content of lithium in blood); methotrexate (strengthening of side effects); цидовудин (increase in risk of a hemarthrosis and hematomas at HIV of positive patients).
To Imet ® it is contraindicated to such patients: with the known individual hypersensitivity to an ibuprofen or other components of drug; with existence in the anamnesis of attacks of asthma, an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a nose or skin reactions after reception of acetylsalicylic acid or other NPVP; with existence in the anamnesis of stomach ulcer and/or intestines or gastrointestinal bleedings, with existence of heavy abnormal liver functions and/or kidneys or heavy not treated heart troubles. Pregnancy in the last third of term. Inclusive this dosage form of drug is not shown to children up to 12 years.
Disturbances from the central nervous system (a headache, dizziness, an oglushennost and a loss of consciousness), and also an abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of overdose. Besides falling of arterial pressure, respiratory depression and cyanosis can take place. Treatment: a gastric lavage, give absorbing and purgatives, appoint symptomatic drug treatment. There is no antidote.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 30 °C! To keep in the place, unavailable to children! A period of validity – 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The blister on 10 tablets, coated, 1 or 2 blisters in a cardboard box.