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Hypospadias is called inborn defect at males at which development of an urethra is broken. Defect is localized, as a rule, on the lower part of a penis, however can be observed in any place of a penis. The hypospadias is rare frustration, affecting only about 1 of 250 newborn boys. The special  form of a hypospadias at which generative organs are located incorrectly can also develop at women.

Hypospadias reasons:

In most cases it is not possible to define the reasons of this inborn defect. Treatment by means of hormones, such as progesterone, during pregnancy can increase risk of a hypospadias. Some hormonal disturbances, for example, testosteronovy insufficiency, increase risk of a hypospadias and other genetic problems.

Hypospadias symptoms:

The easy hypospadias usually does not cause symptoms, especially in newborns and children of younger age. If not to correct defect in the surgical way, children of advanced age and adults can complain of difficulties at an urination. In more hard cases of a hypospadias it being necessary to urinate becomes impossible. At boys with a hypospadias not descent of testis is also often observed.
The hypospadias is usually diagnosed during physical inspection of newborns. The test which can be useful at suspicion on a hypospadias is the excretory urography. This test uses X-ray to execute pictures of urinary tract. It is used to check other congenital anomalies of kidneys or an urethra which remove urine from kidneys to a bladder (ureters).

Аномальное положение мочеиспускательного отверстия при гипоспадии

The abnormal provision of an urethral opening at a hypospadias

Treatment of a hypospadias:

Sometimes the hypospadias is adjusted in the surgical way to correct defect of an urethra, as a rule, within the first year of life. There are several different types of surgical intervention at which it is carried out repozitsionirovany urethras, correction of placement of an opening of an urethra in a balanus and reconstruction of skin of area around an urethra opening. Complications which are more probable at children of advanced age and adults can include bleeding, an infection, an urethrostenosis (stricture) and a chordee. Most of men are able to urinate successfully from a standing position after surgical treatment of this disease.

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