Retinolum acetate of 3,44% Mas solution of 10 ml

Producer: CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11CA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution in oil.
General characteristics. Structure:
Acting substance: 1 ml of solution contains Retinolum of acetate (vitamin A), Solutio oleosa, in terms of 100% of Retinolum acetate - 0,0344 g (100 000 ME);
Pharmacological properties:
Retinolum (vitamin A) is necessary for processes of a metabolism, including regulation of growth and development of the growing organism. It provides normal activity of an organ of sight, structural integrity of fabrics, increases resistance of an organism to adverse environmental factors. At defective food and some diseases of digestive tract and liver insufficiency of vitamin A (A-avitaminosis and A-hypovitaminosis) is observed. A precursory symptom of the last is deterioration in twilight sight, appetite, decrease in body weight, easing of body resistance to infections, etc.
Pharmacokinetics. Vitamin A is soaked up in intestines almost completely. Retinolefir for effective absorption has to be saponified at first by specific hydrolase which in a large number contains in an enveloping layer mucous intestines, and then in the form of Retinolum gets into an intestines wall where at once gives in to etherification by fatty acids by means of a specific sintetaza. Further there is an oxidation to a retinal, an a.takzha of retinoic acid. From a retinolefira intestines wall, Retinolum and a retinal in the form of chylomicrons, and retinoic acid in a complex with albumine are transported with a lymph in крсвь and deposited in a liver.
Indications to use:
Retinolum Acetate is appointed at A-avitaminosis and A-hypovitaminosis, diseases of eyes (a pigmental retinitis, a xerophthalmia, a hemeralopia, a superficial keratitis, defeats of a cornea, conjunctivitis, a pyoderma and eczematic defeat a century). Drug is used also at complex therapy of rickets, the acute respiratory diseases proceeding against the background of exudative diathesis, acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, a hypotrophy and kollagenez at pathological processes of skin (frostbites, burns, wounds, an ichthyosis, a follicular dyskeratosis, a senile keratosis, a tuberculosis cutis, some forms of eczema, psoriasis).
Besides, purpose of drug is shown at inflammatory and ulcer and erosive damages of intestines, cirrhosis, chronic gastritises, for prevention of a konkrementoobrazovaniye in urinary tract, etc.
Route of administration and doses:
Retinolum acetate is appointed inside, in 10-15 minutes after food, and also outwardly. 1 ml of 3.44% of solution (100 000 ME), 1 drop supports 3 000 ME.
When determining doses of drug recognize that the single dose of Vitamin A makes no more than 150 000 ME for adults, for children about a year of-1 650 ME, from 1 year to 6 years - 3 300 ME, 7 years - 5 000 ME are more senior. The highest daily dose for adults is equal to 100 000 ME, for children - 20 000 ME.
Therapeutic doses of Vitamin A at avitaminosis easy and moderate severity make for adults - up to 33 000 ME a day. At skin diseases the daily dose of Vitamin A for adults is equal to 50 000 - 100 000 ME, for children of 5 000-10 000-20 000 ME. At a pigmental retinitis, a xerophthalmia, a hemeralopia the daily dose for adults makes 50 000 - 100 000 ME (at the same time appoint Riboflavinum in a daily dose of 0,02 g). At defeats of integuments (ulcers, burns, freezing injuries, etc.) affected areas after hygienic cleaning grease with solution of Retinolum of acetate and cover with a gauze bandage (5-6 times a day, with reduction of number of applications to one in process of epithelization). At the same time drugs are appointed inside.
In pediatric practice at the complex therapy of rickets, acute respiratory diseases proceeding against the background of exudative diathesis, acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases a hypotrophy and collagenoses acetate Retinolum solution in oil of 3.44% is appointed after food on 1 drop only to children once a day 7 years are more senior. To children under 7 years appoint drug in a dosage form of a dragee.
Features of use:
Vitamin A use, especially in high doses, has to be carried out under observation of the doctor.
Side effects:
Long daily reception of Vitamin A, especially in high doses, can cause development of a hypervitaminosis of A. U of children temperature increase, vomiting, perspiration, drowsiness, petechias and rash on skin, an oliguria are observed. Perhaps also development of increase in pressure of cerebrospinal fluid that at children of chest age leads to development of hydrocephaly and protrusion of fontanels. At adults the headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, irritability, disorder of gait, morbidity in bones of the lower extremities is noted. At emergence of the specified phenomena administration of drug should be stopped immediately.
Interaction with other medicines:
Vitamin A is incompatible with hydrochloric, acetilsalicylic acids. Oestrogenic drugs at simultaneous use increase development of a hypervitaminosis A. Retinol reduces antiinflammatory action of glucocorticoids.
With care appoint drug at acute and chronic nephrite, at a decompensation of cordial activity and at pregnancy (in the first 3 months of the last because of a possibility of teratogenic effect of Vitamin A drug is not recommended to be applied).
Storage conditions:
To store in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above + 10 °C.
Period of storage - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe