Retinolum acetate

Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11CA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 5 000 ME and 33 000 ME of Retinolum of acetate.
Aitaminny drug, ospolnyayushchy deficit of vitamin A.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Owing to a large number of unsaturated bonds activates oxidation-reduction processes, stimulates synthesis of the purine and pirimidinovy bases, participates in metabolism power supply, creating favorable conditions for ATP synthesis. Increases synthesis of protein in a cartilaginous and bone tissue that determines growth of bones and cartilages. Stimulates epithelization and (hyperkeratosis) prevents excess keratinization of an epithelium.
Increases quantity of mitoses in epithelial cells, interferes with accumulation in them of eleidin, promotes synthesis of the RNA and the sulphated mucopolysaccharides playing an important role in permeability of cellular, subcellular and especially lizosomalny membranes. Controls the speed of chain reactions in a lipidic phase of biomembranes and supports the anti-oxidizing potential of various fabrics at the constant level.
Regulates biosynthesis of glycoproteins of superficial membranes of the cells determining the level of processes of cellular differentiation. Regulates normal function of the single-layer flat epithelium which is carrying out a barrier role, increases resistance of an organism to an infection. Strengthens antibody formation and activates phagocytosis. Influences photoreception, participating in rhodopsin creation. Stimulates synthesis of adrenal hormones. Brakes a thyroxine liberation. Provides normal activity grease and sweat glands.
Pharmacokinetics. At intake drug is soaked up almost completely, even at excess introduction it no more than 10% of the entered quantity are allocated with a stake. In the course of metabolism retinyl palmitate, Retinolum, a retinal and retinoic acid are formed. It is distributed in an organism unevenly: the greatest number is in a liver and a retina, smaller — in kidneys, heart, fat depos, lungs, the lactating mammary gland, in adrenal glands, etc. hemadens.
Preferential form of deposition is ретинолпальмитат. Retinolum, a retinal, retinoic acid are emitted with hepatocytes as a part of bile, ретиноилглюкуронид is emitted with urine. Elimination of Retinolum is carried out slowly therefore repeated receptions lead to cumulation, and the undesirable phenomena remain long.
Indications to use:
Hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis And; infectious diseases (measles, dysentery, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), skin diseases (burns, frostbites, wounds, a tuberculosis cutis, giperkeratoza, an ichthyosis, psoriasis, a pyoderma, some forms of eczemas, etc. inflammatory and degenerative pathological processes), diseases of eyes (a pigmental retinitis, a hemeralopia, a xerophthalmia, a keratomalacia, eczematic defeats a century, conjunctivitis), rickets, hypotrophies, acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, erosive and ulcer and inflammatory damages of a GIT, cirrhosis, epithelial tumors and leukoses (for increase in resistance of the hemopoietic fabric to action of tsitostatik), a mastopathy.
Route of administration and doses:
Use of drug has to be carried out under observation of the doctor. Drug is accepted inside after food early in the morning or late at night.
Medical doses at avitaminosis of easy and average degree make: the adult — to 33000 ME/days; at a hemeralopia, a xerophthalmia and a pigmental retinitis — 50000 — 100000 ME/days; to children — 1000 — 5000 ME/days depending on age. At skin diseases of adult — 50000 — 100000 ME/days; to children appoint at the rate of 5000 — 10000 — 20000 ME in days.
Single doses of Retinolum should not exceed 50000 ME for adults and 5000 ME for children; daily doses should not exceed 100000 ME for adults and 20000 ME for children.
Features of use:
The teratogenic effect of the raised doses of Retinolum remains also after the termination of its reception therefore it is recommended to plan pregnancy at drug use only in 6 — 12 months.
Side effects:
At administration of drug are possible a headache, slackness, nausea, vomiting, fever, drowsiness, the peeling of skin, disorders of gait, morbidity in bones of the lower extremities, A. U hypervitaminosis of children is possible temperature increase, drowsiness, perspiration, vomiting, skin rashes, increase in pressure of cerebrospinal fluid (at children of chest age hydrocephaly and protrusion of a fontanel can develop). In some cases in the first day of use there can be pruritic spotty and papular rashes that demands drug withdrawal.
With reduction of a dose or at temporary drug withdrawal by-effects pass independently. At purpose of high doses at skin diseases, in 7 — 10 days of treatment the aggravation of local inflammatory reaction which does not demand additional treatment is observed and further decreases. This effect is connected with miyelo-and an immunopromoting effect of drug.
Interaction with other medicines:
Also the oral contraceptives containing them are oestrogenic strengthen Retinolum absorption that can lead to development of the A-hypervitaminosis.
During long therapy tetracyclines do not recommend to appoint vitamin A (the risk of development of intracranial hypertensia increases).
Retinolum should be accepted in 1 hour prior to or in 4 — 6 hours after reception of Colestyraminum.
Absorption of Retinolum is broken by nitrites.
Reduces (mutually) danger of a hypervitaminosis of D. Corticosteroids and alcohol intake reduce therapeutic effect of drug.
The increased individual sensitivity, pregnancy (the I trimester), cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis.
Restrictions to use: acute and chronic nephrite, heart failure of the II—III St.
Symptoms: at an acute hypervitaminosis the most severe headache, dizziness are observed; drowsiness, confusion of consciousness, visual disturbance, spasm, pernicious vomiting, profuse diarrhea, heavy dehydration of an organism; for the second day widespread rash with the subsequent macrolaminar peeling, starting with the person develops; palpation of long tubular bones is sharply painful owing to subperiostal hemorrhages, changes of a bone, soft tissues. At children the acute hypervitaminosis is characterized by concern, nervousness, sleeplessness within the first days, drowsiness, temperature increase to 39 °C, vomiting, protrusion of a big fontanel, symptoms of suffocation sometimes appears.
Treatment: symptomatic; as the antagonist appoint thyroxine, and also ascorbic acid.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Capsules 5000 ME in banks No. 50. Capsules 33000 ME in a blister strip packaging No. 10х5.